FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Help! Charts will not display in asp.net

    Hi, Thanks for the Snap. It shows that some files are not in proper places. Could you please put the DLL file in Bin folder. You might organize the files in Separate folders for better understanding too. Could you please go through our Online Dcoumentation on the Basic samples that we have created. There we alos talked about waht goes where. DLL files must be in Bin folder. Please give it a try and let us know.
  2. Chart for Levelwise [XML-Value]

    Hi, Could you please try using %2B for + and %25 for %.
  3. Loading Inside Other Flash Movie

    Hi, Do you want to load a map inside a Flash Movie or load a Flash Movie inside a map?
  4. Value Zero with StackedColumn2D

    Hi, Could you please try making one of the zero values to a near-zero but greater than zero. e.g <set value='0.0001' />?
  5. saveimage

    Hi, I am afraid this is not possible in FusionCharts FREE.
  6. Object doesn't support this property or Method

    Hi, In JavaScript the would be var myChart = new FusionCharts("fusionCharts/AngularGauge.swf", "errorRateChart", "300", "175", "0", "1"); Please do not use true/false. The problem might be a conflict between extJS and FusionCharts js API. May i request you try a hack which might work : //After this line myChart.render("errorRateChart"); //Could you please add this once and try again if(!document.embeds['errorRateChart'] && !window['errorRateChart']) window['errorRateChart']=document.getElementById('errorRateChart');
  7. Javascript error for 'save as image'

    Hi, There are some functions in FusionCharts which are exposed and can be accessed from the chart itself. Flash techies call this externalInterface functions. We can use JavaScript to call these functions directly. saveAsImage() is one of these functions. Hence, you would not get this entry in FusionCharts.js. But, if you use FusionCharts SWFs whose version is v3.0.6 you would definitely get this featute. Could you please check whether you have the specified version of chart SWF files. To know your version to this precision 3.x.x, please render a chart with debug mode on. In the debug window you would get the version info.
  8. Chart Messages

    Hi, You can try using this : chartObj.SetVariable("dataXML","<chart></chart>"); chartObj.SetVariable("ChartNoDataText","Hi i have changed"); chartObj.Rewind(); chartObj.Play();
  9. JavaScript Hook for 'Save as Image'

    Hi, All features are enabled in Eval version.
  10. Clicking on map entity isn't calling handler

    Hi, JavaScript DrillDown facility is already avaliable in FusionMaps. You can go through our online Demos for a few examples using JvvaScript DrillDown :http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/Demos.asp
  11. Javascript error for 'save as image'

    Hi, No single feature is disabled in eval version. There might be som other issues. Also please check if you are running the application from a server. Or you might need to set up Flash Player security options online from Adobe's website.
  12. JavaScript Call + Slicing Movement

    hi, I am afraid these cant be done together.
  13. Export multiple charts

    hi, You would need the new swf files of v3.0.6. JavaScript file remains the same as we are calling the explosed function (from javaScript) of the chart.
  14. Javascript error for 'save as image'

    hi, You would need the swf of v3.0.6. The javascript file remains the same. Please read this page in our documentaion for more info: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/JS_saveAsImage.html
  15. JavaScript Hook for 'Save as Image'

    hi, Though I am writing this long after v3.0.6 launch, since then FusionCharts supports Image saving API call using JavaScript. For this you need to set register with JS option on. That will not give the error that you are mentioning. Please refer to our online documentaion's page - http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/JS_saveAsImage.html for more on this.
  16. scrollcolumn2d issues

    It would scroll if you have many data items not many datasets. You can set the number of columns to be on current display using numVisiblePlot attribute. This attribute lets you control how the number of columns to show in the visible area of the scroll pane. For example, if you're plotting a chart with plot 30 columns, and you wish to show only 10 columns in the visible area, set this attribute as 10. You would now see only 10 columns in the chart - rest of the columns would be visible upon scrolling. If you want to show all the columns on the chart irrespective of the number of data points in your XML data document, set this attribute as 0.
  17. setDataURL method only can send one GET param?

    hi, You need to urlencode() the URL before passing it as dataURL of the chart.
  18. hi, Please go through the Documentation and XML structure of an Multiseries chart like MSColumn3D from our Documentation : http://www.fusioncharts.com/ In the same Documentation you can have a look at the 'Using With JSP' Section, in 'Guide For Web Developers.' You can have an uinsight in to how XML is created with JSP. You write it any way you wish, provided that the resultant XML conforms to the norms of a multoseries chart. A general XML structure for a multiseries chart : <chart> <categories> <category label='YourDate'/> ... </categories> <dataset seriesName='Users'> <set value='..'/> ... </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Uploads'> <set value=''/> ... </dataset> </chart>
  19. copy and paste fusion charts

    hi, Make sure that you have set registerWithJS on when rendering the chart.
  20. Analogue Guage transparency

    Hi, You can do this by seeeing bgAlpha='0' bgColor='ffffff'. YOu also need to use new JavaScript method setTransparent(true) while rendering the gauge. This will make the angular gauge's background transparent.
  21. Javascript error in IE, but everything working with FF

    hi, Are using using the latest FusionCharts.js? Moreover please let us know if you are using ASp.NET.AJAX?
  22. Example (Code) for Charts using AJAX

    hi, We have not yet impleted FusionCharts in such environment. If you can kindly provide us some code for the same combination (PHP+PEAR etc. and using AJAX) we can try embedding FusionCharts in that.
  23. bidirectional, capture x,y axis values in fusiom maps

    Hi, This is a simple JavaScript Demo. You can Save the whole page (Save Complete HTML) to get the JavaScipt and other supproted files.
  24. FusionCharts Update Panel example #2 ASP.NET.AJAX

    hi, You can have the code in our New Release (2.0.5 onwards) FusionCHarts Download Pack. Have it downloaded from http://www.fusioncharts.com/Download.asp or use free upgrade of your version.
  25. Saving image - corrupt saved chart file

    hi, FusionChartsSave.jsp resends the image back after generating as jpeg image to the client, unless you code it to save in serverside. Here in out lab we do nto have any constrain opening the image in paint.