FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. hi, I am afraid you can not have patterns as Legend and mulitple colored tooltips as of now.
  2. count columns of data in access database

    hi, Almost all charts and gedgets and maps can perform Drilldown. You ca ngo through our online Demos from where you can definitely get an idea. Out Blueprint demo almost match your specifications. http://www.fusioncharts.com/Demos/Blueprint/ http://www.fusioncharts.com/gadgets/Demos/Blueprint/ http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/Demos/AJAX/Index.html You can download them from our download pages.
  3. Difficulty changing data values

    hi, Can you please tell me what method you are using to render the chart? Using JavaScript or ASP.NET class? For any of these you can stop caching the XML of the chart. If you are using JavaScript ... mapObj.setDataURL("yourXML.xml?noCahce="+new Date().toGMTString()); If it does not work please provide us the code where your are enbedding the map. We can workout something.
  4. Disable Right-Click Print on FusionCharts v3

    hi, You can disable rigth click menu using showFCMenuItem='0'
  5. Latest trial download version

    hi, Create a chart with debug mode on. In the debug window you can get the detailed version of the chart.
  6. Handle Right click event

    hi, I am afraid you can not do this as of now.Using Enterprize License you can edit the source to fit your needs.
  7. Plz send code below fusion map

    hi, Thanks for your appreciation. You can save the whole Flight Selector Demo (using save complete page) to get the full source code since all is done is JavaScript. I am afraid you can not use patters as legend. As of now it only shows color ranges.
  8. Difficulty changing data values

    hi, Your XML is getting cached in the browser, hence showing earlier data. Can you please tell me if you are using JavaScript or ASP, PHP, ASP.NET or another other technology to embed the map? You need to add appropriate cache killer while assinging the XML file. Or you can put up a <meta> tag to stop caching the whole page. <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE">
  9. Urgently!!! Need help!!!

    hi, Please have a look at our CandleStick chart and its samples from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PowerCharts.asp#candle, which might solve some of your issues.
  10. Multi Series not available in free version ?

    FusionCharts vFREE has multi-series charts. It might be that you are not using the SWF needed for Multi series charts. You might be using single series chart swf. Please visit http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/docs/Contents/ChartList.html for more information on the chart swf names against each type.
  11. hi , This code works well in our Lab's IE 6. But we would recommend to use the cache control in meta tag : < META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE" > < META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE" >
  12. Alignment of Pie

    Hi, Put the chart inside a table with td set to your desired alignment. <table border="0"><tr><td align="left"> <asp:label.... /> </td></tr></table>
  13. Alignment of Pie

    Hi, Put the chart inside a table with td set to your desired alignment. ></pre> <table border="0"> </t
  14. Reg:how to include swf charts into my .net application

    hi, You can add FusionCharts using Flash Player OCX control in .net Desktop Application. To provide data, you need to build XML for the chart and stream the XML to the chary. If you intend to retrieve data from SQL server you need to use your regular code to do this and build the XML using your .net code. FusionCharts only accepts XMl data. You can try out these simplest implementations from these links: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic3221-28-1.aspx http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost2798.aspx
  15. PHP API

    hi, I am afraid v3 pack has no PHP API as of now. But you can always use the existing vFREE API with v3 chrts with minor changes like changing the chart swf names.
  16. How to use fusion charts v3 for .Net 2003?

    Hi, The DLL is for ASP.NET 2.0 or above. Here i post the ASP.NET C# codes with DLL for ASP.NET 1.1 VS2003 version which we have stopped distributing. Try this. Note that The code given here will vary from the existing code and documentation (ASP.NET 2.0 ). C#.zip

    hi, 1. RenderChartHTML is a basic function which adds a chart to a page using HTHML embedding method. This means the method will generate an HTML string that will contain help loading the chart. This is dones using <object>/<embed> elements. The returned strin might have similar structure.: (Injecting direct HTML to a page) <object ......> <param name='movie' value='chart.swf'> <param name='...' value='...'> ... <embed src='chart.swf' .....></object> ** RenderChartHTML eariler did not supprort RegisterWithJS fucntionality of the charts. The new version of the ASP.NET 20. method found in InfoSoftGLobal.FusionCharts class has made this available. 2.Whereas RenderChart uses JavaScript embedding method. (This method is used to override the IE - "Click Here to Activate.." ). It creates a DIV and a some lines of JavaScript codes that creats a FusionCharts JavaScript Object.Using this object the charts is rendered inside the DIV. So this is path HTML and path JavaSCript injecting. The JavaScript will handle the injecting of the <object>/<embed> tages for the charts. This method will render string close to this : <div id="name_div" >THIS TEXT WILL BE REPLACED BY THE CHART</div> <script type="text/javascipt" lanuage="javascript"> var chrt_name=new FusionChrts("chart.SWG","name_id","......); if( strURL==true){ chrt_name.setDataURL(URL); }else{ chrt_name.setDataXML(strXML); } chrt_name.render("name_div"); </script> **** You need to add/include FusionCharts.js file (to <head> ) in HTML page.Otherwise the chart will not render. [ Note that when you add a inject a javascript using another javascript, the injected javascript will not be executed. Hence we recommend not to use RenderChart in AJAX callback, since AJAX is JavaScript and this javascript wont execute the javascript injected by RenderChart() (Untill and unless you write code to extract out all JavaSctipt code and eval() them).
  18. hi, may be you can write nomal ASP.NET codes to retrive data from web services and build XML (may be you ca put all the code in anothe function) and set the XML to the charts.
  19. a few possible IE and Save as Image bugs

    hi, Bug 1 : this is a bug we are currently working on. Bug 2 : This is specific to a Flash Player version (so far we tested) and we are doing R&D for a fix in FusionCharts.js itself. Bug 3. Please download the latest charts 3.0.6 where this issue is resolved.
  20. "'ChartMain' is undefined" JavaScript error

    hi, You can download the latest version of FusionCharts.js that comes with our release 3.0.5+. At the top of the file (if you open it in an editor) version information is given. The latest version is 1.2 (1st November, 2007),modified 21 Dec 2007. You can have it downloaded from www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp with the Evaluation version.
  21. Out of memory error multiple charts

    hi, this is an error with some versions of Flash Player ( 9.0.16). We are trying for some fix.
  22. Help Me Pls so Urgent

    hi, what you can is create a <asp:literal id="xyz" runat="server"/> control in your page. Also create a button to run a code from the code behind. In that code instead of response.write you can use: xyz.text=InfoSoftGlobal.FusionCharts.RenderChart(....);
  23. Implementation question

    hi, The first concept/logic is what we also used in one of the simplest AJAX sample for FusionCharts and posted up here :http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost2797.aspx You can easily use this in your FusionMaps code too. You can reinitialize your map at client side using the the same JS functions that you use for first initialization.
  24. charts in Visual studio 2003

    hi, You can always use FusionCharts in vs2003 though we have recently moved our examples and code to support ASP.NET 2.0. If you can tell us which language (VB/C#) you are using we can post here the vs2003 supproted sample code, dll and documentation.
  25. hi, You can create multiple charts in any way you wish, using a function or using loop. Just need to make sure that you must give unique chart id to each chart.