FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. ASP.NET 2.0 FusionMaps Basic Samples C# & VB.NET

    hi, Let me here update the C# and VB Very Basic Samples of FusionMaps. These will be added to our next release. We welcome suggesstions on these samples. Like earlier you need to add the map SWF and chart SWF files from your Downloaded pack. FusionMapsCS.zip FusionMapsVBNET.zip
  2. hi, You can go through our online Documentation on how to render chart using data from Database. http://www.fusionCharts.com/docs >> Guide For Web Developers >> USing With C# (ASP.NET) Section or http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CS_DB.html Do you want to display multiple charts at one instance or One at a time?
  3. Multiline Tooltips ??

    hi, opps...can you just try using BR (in caps) instead of br and try again.
  4. multiple maps and live demos

    hi, you can embed multiple map in a single Flash movie. Please visit http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/Flash_Multiple.html for this. This is a basic exmaple to load a single map: http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/Flash_Overview.html You can create a similar Drill down demo as the JS Drill Down demo. For this you need to write ActionScript codes as needed.
  5. link from chart message

    hi, I am afraid this is not possible.
  6. No Chart Display

    make sure of the path for FusionCharts.js file. The application can not find it. Hence it tells that FusionCharts is undefined.
  7. Multiline Tooltips ??

    hi, You need to use a special font style attribute for the tooltip object : The XML for the style for tooltip would be like this : Now in the tooltip values you need to put HTML <BR> to provide line breaks: say if you want to show : Total Accounts: 257 Total Sales: $1,500,450 <entity id='001' tooltext='Total Accounts: 257<br>Total Sales: $1,500,450' /> Note : <br> - this is the line break <BR> in XML encoded form. The above entity XML will work for dataURL method . If you are using dataXML mehtod to provide XML you need to use %26lt;br%26gt; instead of <br>

    Hi, You need to provide an id to the chart: echo renderChart("../FusionCharts/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "ChartID1", 600, 300,false,false); Also did you include the FusionCharts.js file? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> If not you can try using renderChartHTML once : echo renderChartHTML("../FusionCharts/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "ChartID1", 600, 300,false);
  9. Problem displaying in IE with FlashPlayer 9

    hi, I think you have proper Flash Player installed and its ok since you can see the charts from our web side. Now since you are having problem shoing your chart it seems that the path for FusionCharts.js is not properly set. Hence, the page can not render the chart and the default text that given in your page... which is unfortunately the flash player message...hardcoded in your HTML page. If all fails please send us the HTML code that you are using to load the chart.
  10. Databases and Fusion Maps

    hi, Depends on which platform and which server side technology you are using. Level ServerSideTechnology DatabaseSupport Beginners ASP MSAccess ASP,ASP.NET MSAccess+SQL Server PHP,ROR,JSP MYSQL Advaced All Oracle lots more... lots more...
  11. Why Chart is not show.

    hi, You are giving line breaks while creating the XML. Remove all line breaks and form a single string without line breaks. This is because the XML is finally parsed by JavaScript and it JavaScript wont recognize these line breaks and produce the error of unterminated string.
  12. Databases and Fusion Maps

    moreover you can use any server side script and any database which is easier for you at the backend to work with FusionMaps.
  13. Databases and Fusion Maps

    hi, You can see the Online Documentation : http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs >> Using With ASP or Using With PHP >> Plotting Data From Database Section for more on this.
  14. ASP.NET 2.0 FusionMaps Basic Samples C# & VB.NET

    We will post these samples up here surely on next week
  15. Dual Y Axis Bar Chart

    hi, I am afraid, we do not have this chart in our suite as of now.
  16. Sometime FusionChart can not render properly

    Hi, Can you please send us the code that you are using. Also specify the technology (like ASP.NET, ASP.NET.ASPX etc.) that you are using.
  17. Dual Y Axis Bar Chart ?

    hi, I am afraid, as of now, we dont have dual Axis bar chart to offer.
  18. "'ChartMain' is undefined" JavaScript error

    hi, Make sure that you are using the latest FusionChart.js released on 22 Dec 2007 with FusionCharts v3.0.5 which has some IE related fixes, to solve the IE <FORM> issue. Your error might fall into that since you are using ASP.NET. Do you update your chart using setDataXML/setDataURL using JavaScript ? If not you may not use registerWithJS option. This option is needed when you want to, using JavaScript, feed data to or get data from (in case of PowerCharts and FusionGadgets) an already loaded chart. Can you please also tell me wheher you are using ASP.NET.AJAX?
  19. Y Axis Minimum value is being ignored (Free Charts)

    hi, To hide the line you can use alpha='0' for that <set> e.g. <set value='25000' alpha='0' /> This might help.
  20. Always show tooltip

    hi, I am afradi this is not possible as of now.
  21. How to not display verticle numbers

    hi, If you are using vFREE charts you can use showLimits='0' showDivLineValue='0'
  22. How to not display verticle numbers

    Can you please tell me which version of chart you are using vFREE to v3?
  23. Dynamic graph height?

    hi, I am afraid this is not as yet possible.
  24. How to not display verticle numbers

    hi, I hope you wish to hide the Y axis values . This can be done using : showYAxisValues='0'
  25. Different Sizes

    hi, It might due to some chart rendering algoriths which i have requested our chart developement team to look at. Meanwhile, you can set a fixed radius for pie chart using pieRadius='170' .