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Everything posted by Pallav

  1. Place Fusionchart in hidden Div

    Hi Kai, When you load a chart in DIV and hide the DIV, the browser unloads the chart actually, instead of just hiding. When the DIV's visibility is set to on again, the browser re-loads the chart, but ignores to pass the dataURL parameter.
  2. Chart Legends on TOP

    Hi, We'll definitely consider during next release.
  3. charts bleeding through in IE

    Hi, Can you please detail more on how you're embedding the chart in HTML?
  4. Hi, Both the chart and grid should work in both IE/Firefox. Just check the HTML code you're using to embed the chart/grid.
  5. Colors references

    You could use something like
  6. Clickable FusionMap Markers

    This should work. Can you send the XML at attachment?
  7. PowerCharts v3.0.6 released

    Hi, We've released PowerCharts v3.0.6 with the following new features: - New: Ability to invoke Image saving feature from JavaScript. - New: Ability to print chart using JavaScript. - New: ColdFusion, JSP and Perl scripts for image saving. - New: Ability to track clicks and rendering event of chart in other Flash movies. - Bug Fix: Minor bug fix in PHP image saving script. - Bug Fix: In Multi-axis line charrt. Licensed users can download the free upgrade from
  8. IIS/Memory leak with SaveAs() functionality

    Hi Rick, Are you using the ASP.NET save handler? If yes, for once, can you just comment the image outputting and self-download code in the ASP.NET page and see if the page emits any errors?
  9. chart types

    Hi, Please see
  10. Map of Europe incorrect

    Hi, We'll get back to you with the corrected maps ASAP.
  11. Can you try URLEncoding the formAction once?
  12. Rick, When creating the XML, you'll need to push in the date/time of the server for the trendline.
  13. Hi Sergei, Can you just switch the debug mode of charts to on and see what dataURL they're getting?
  14. Hi Anand, Can you please send us your HTML and XML code at [email protected]?
  15. Highlight categories

    I'm afraid this feature is not currently present in FusionCharts. We'll try and implement something to resolve this in next version.
  16. Retrieve Chart Data

    Even with HTML rendering, you can access. You need to then make sure that you've specified correct flags like renderWithJS=1
  17. Which version?

    Hi Brian, If you're using v3.x.y, to see the version, just switch the debug mode of chart to on, as explained at
  18. FC_Rendered bug?

    Hi, We've resolved the bug. If you could please send us your order id at [email protected], I'll send the updates to you right away.
  19. FC_Rendered bug?

    Hi, We confirm this issue and have escalated it to the development team. I'll get back on this to you ASAP.
  20. Dynamic font size

    You cannot directly set the font size from browser. Only way would be to update the entire chart's XML data using JavaScript.
  21. You can just update the value - not trend points.
  22. Watermark

    You can use [chart bgSWF='path' ..] to do so.
  23. Tony, Can you please send us the HTML page at [email protected]? To All: we're trying to identify the issue that is causing this. First, we're just trying to reproduce the error. Second step is to identify which component is causing the problem (the JS or browser). We're pretty sure that there's no faulty code in FusionCharts which is causing this, as if you run the code without Wmode, it'll run fine.
  24. Overlapping problem

    One option would be to rotate them and place inside the column.
  25. What options do Fusion Links support?

    It supports all forms of links as explained at > Guide for Web Developers > Drill Down Charts.