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About Mythos

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Border On A Pie Chart

    Duh, I wasn't aware of that property and I couldn't find anything when searching for "border" in the forums or KB. But that's the ticket so thanks.
  2. Border On A Pie Chart

    Hello, I have a page which shows a clickable map along with a bar chart and a pie chart. The map and the bar chart each have a border. But I cannot find a way to make a 3D pie chart have the same border. It looks out of place not having the same border, is there a way I can do this? Thanks
  3. Xml Data Paths

    Okay thank you. I'm glad single quotes work. It must have been another error that I mistakenly attributed to single quotes.
  4. Xml Data Paths

    Hello, Is there any way for FusionCharts.RenderChart to access XML data outside the current web site? All the coding examples I've found are alwasy accessing XML files from the current site i.e. "../Data/SomeFile.xml". We want to display charts that will auto-refresh and will need to host 10 of thousands of users at peak times so we don't want to use the dataURL method which would requery the data every time a user hits refersh. So we want FC to access XML files that we will be creating in another process. But to do this we need FusionCharts to be able to retrieve these XML files from another website. Ideally it would be great if FC would work with the following syntax. FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", https://SomeDomain/Somefile.xml, "", "myFirst", "300", "300", false, true); Reading the XML file into a string and passing a string instead of the file path does not work because C#.NET cannot pass the required double quotes (it always escapes every double quote with a backslash). I know FusionCharts will not except XML data using single quotes instead of double but is there an alternative character it can use? It would be great if it could also handle single quotes. Thanks