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About krishna_89

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 08/17/1989

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  1. Bubble Chart Bubbles Cut Off

    Hi Team, Is this issue fixed ???
  2. Need few help in heat map chart Formatting

    Hi Thanks for you response. if I use tLabel {br} tag is not working I want to display the content in 4 lines <set rowId='Yahoo' columnId='Mon' tlLabel='first one: 7.52%{br}second one: 8.52%{br}first one: 7.52%{br}second one: 8.52%' value='0' displayValue=' ' /> any other way to achieve this. Regards Krishna
  3. Hi I am using heat map chart, I am trying xAxisLabelsOnTop="1" parameter for making Xaxis Label on top of the chart, but it is not working, is ter anyother parameter to make the xaxis label on top Thanks in advance Regards Krishna Kumar S
  4. Hi,, I am using Powercharts V3.3.1 I need on help of few things below. 1. Align the cell content to left in Heat map chart (Imporant) 2. Need to place the x-axis labels on the top of the chart 3. Need to place the legends on the top of the chart. Need to check is ter any property to set for these functionalities, or I need to modify anyting Thanks in advance Regards Krishna Kumar S
  5. PieChart label overlapping with legends

    Thanks it is working now
  6. PieChart label overlapping with legends

    hi I am using javascript chart, My chart size is already very small I cannot reduce its size, but my label is taking more space, is ter any way to reduce the distance of label Thanks
  7. Hi I am using Pie2d, when I display the values in the label, it is getting overlapped behind the legend or caption, Is ter anyway it can automatically position so that it can be visible to all Thanks in advance Regards Krishna Kumar S
  8. Text Orientation In Multi Pie Chart

    {br} tag is not working for me, is ter anyother alternatives !?
  9. Hi I am using multilevel pie chart, is ter any way to set pie radius for each level
  10. Hi, I created a sample radar chart with JSON value updated dynamically from MYSQL DB. I am unable to get interactive Legend (which is clickable).
  11. Radarchart With Json Data

    Hi, We are working on RadarChart, dataset and cateogories are retrieved from JSON Data, We need to specify some datapoints to be highlighted. How this can be achived. Please help us immediately