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Everything posted by Makven

  1. Maximum

    <Chart manageLabelOverflow="1" animation="0" defaultAnimation="0" manageresize="1" lowerlimit="0" upperlimit="0.4" showborder="1" charttopmargin="5" chartbottommargin="50" gaugeinnerradius="50%" gaugeoriginy="120" trendvaluedistance="5" tickvaluedistance="3" managevalueoverlapping="1" autoaligntickvalues="1" showTickValues="1"> <colorrange> <color code="8BBA00" minvalue="0" maxvalue="0.2" /> <color code="F6BD0F" minvalue="0.2" maxvalue="0.3" /> <color code="FF654F" minvalue="0.3" maxvalue="0.4" /> </colorrange><dials><dial value="0" rearextension="" basewidth="" /> </dials><trendpoints><point startValue="0.1" displayValue="P13 12/13" useMarker="1" markerRadius="7" dashed="1" dashLen="3" dashGap="3" valueInside="0.1" /> </trendpoints><styles><definition><style type="font" bold="1" name="trendvaluefont" color="" /> </definition><application><apply styles="trendvaluefont" toObject="Trendvalues" /> </application></styles></Chart> Hello As we can see from xml the gauge has: loverlimit: 0 upperlimit: 0.4 value: 0 In this case by some reason the upperlimit becomes equal to 1 as showed in attached image. If value is greater than zero, chart is rendered as it should. Is this bug or there are methods to fix it?
  2. Maximum

    thanks. This's helped