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Everything posted by bmcwhorter

  1. Yes, I know how to render the chart appropriately. If you read what I wrote, you will see that I can make it render if needed. However, I don't want to have to force the data to be re-loaded everytime the chart changes size. That's why I need to use the resizeTo method, but you guys have an error with Internet Explorer and the flash version of the chart when using the resizeTo method. I really need to get that fixed. It is ABSOLUTELY not the case that you should have to destroy the chart and then recreate it just because it changes size, that is the most inefficient scenario possible. Please advise or provide a work around.
  2. Edit: If I add the containing div to the render method as a parameter I don't seem to get the error when rendering the chart again. However, the render is much slower than the resize and I would like to be able to use resizeTo
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately that didn't solve anything. I wouldn't mind rendering the chart again if it means I don't have to load the data again and slow down performance. When I run the following, I get this error: var chartReference = FusionCharts(sAnimatedChartID); chartReference.width = currWidth; chartReference.height = currHeight; chartReference.render(); DesignTimeError: #25081843 Chart1.render Error >> #25081843:IECompatibility() Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. Variable naming error. Please use unique name for chart JS variable, chart-id and container id. ...y() Chart Id is same as a JavaScript variable name. Variable naming error. Pleas... FusionCharts.js (line 60 I dont care if I go about this by using the resizeTo method or the render method, but I want to be able to change the size of the chart in both flash and javascript without getting any errors and without having to destroy the chart and recreate it, which is the only thing that has worked so far.
  4. Using the latest version of Fusion charts and I'm running this in the browser. Seems to work ok for flash in Chrome and Firefox, but IE 7,8,9,10 all throw the error. The error is never thrown when the chart is rendered with javascript, only flash.
  5. Hi, This property is behaving wildly different in Javascript and flash. In fact, I can't get them both to look the same no matter what I do. Can you please provide a fix. Look at the below example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<chart numberSuffix="" formatNumberScale="0" numberPrefix="$" decimalSeparator="," thousandSeparator="." pivotRadius="6" pivotBorderColor="008000" pivotBgColor="008000" gaugeOriginY="200" gaugeOriginX="200" decimalPrecision="2" gaugeInnerRadius="120" displayValueDistance="40" gaugeOuterRadius="130" majorTMThickness="4" minorTMHeight="5" majorTMHeight="10" baseFontSize="15" baseFont="comic sans ms" baseFontColor="008000" majorTMColor="FF0000" majorTMNumber="16" minorTMColor="0000FF" minorTMNumber="10" gaugeScaleAngle="270" gaugeStartAngle="270" upperLimit="150000" lowerLimit="0" animation="1" bgColor="ADEFED">-<dials><dial bgColor="008000" bordercolor="008000" topWidth="1" baseWidth="4" radius="150" value=""/></dials>-<colorRange><color code="008000" maxValue="50000" minValue="0"/><color code="FFFF00" maxValue="100000" minValue="50000"/><color code="FF0000" maxValue="150000" minValue="100000"/></colorRange>-<annotations>-<annotationGroup showBelowChart="1" yPos="200" xPos="200"><annotation type="circle" radius="162.5" yPos="0" xPos="0" fillDegree="45" fillRatio="50,50" fillAlpha="100,100" fillPattern="linear" fillColor="cccccc,111111" fillAsGradient="1" endAngle="360" startAngle="0"/><annotation type="circle" radius="146.25" yPos="0" xPos="0" fillDegree="45" fillRatio="50,50" fillAlpha="100,100" fillPattern="linear" fillColor="111111,cccccc" fillAsGradient="1" endAngle="360" startAngle="0"/><annotation type="circle" radius="138.125" yPos="0" xPos="0" endAngle="360" startAngle="0" color="666666"/></annotationGroup></annotations></chart>
  6. Using the following defintion I get different appearances between the flash and javascript versions. Edges are not rounded in javascript. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<graph lineDashed="0" useRoundEdges="1" rotateValues="1" showValues="0" divLineColor="000000" canvasBgColor="dad9da" rotateLabels="1" xaxisname="X-Axis" yaxisname="Y-Axis" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" unescapeLinks="0" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0"> -<styles> -<definition> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="YAXISVALUESFontStyle"/> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="LegendFontStyle"/> </definition> -<application> <apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/> <apply styles="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" toObject="YAXISVALUES"/> <apply styles="LegendFontStyle" toObject="Legend"/> </application> </styles> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Dairy Products" value="115387.6500"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Beverages" value="103924.3100"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Confections" value="82657.7300"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Meat/Poultry" value="80975.1200"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Seafood" value="66959.2100"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Grains/Cereals" value="56871.8200"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Condiments" value="55368.6000"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Produce" value="54940.7600"/> <trendlines/> </graph>
  7. Angular Gauge Tickvaluedistance Property

    Hi, This fixed the problem. Thanks.
  8. Bar Chart Not Displaying Rounded Edges In Javascript

    Hi, I understand that there will be variants. However, this is extremely obvious. And it bothers me that you say that the image you provided shows rounded edges. Those edges are not rounded. Also, this should be an easy component to set, it is easily done in css. So will there be a fix to make these edges more rounded?
  9. Hi, Using 3.3.1, when I try to debug a chart in javascript, I get nothing. The exact same chart in flash gives me all the info I want. Is debugging not supported in Javascript? Also, animation is not currently working in javascript for this chart. It works fine for flash. Here's the definition: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart numberSuffix="" formatNumberScale="0" numberPrefix="" decimalSeparator="" thousandSeparator="." decimalPrecision="4" showValues="1" showNames="0" plotFillAlpha="53" slicingDistance="2" isSliced="1" animation="1" bgColor="9CF7F4"> <set name="HANAR" value="10000"/> <set name="TOMSP" value="20000"/> <set name="VICTE" value="3000"/> <set name="ALFKI" value="40000"/> <set name="ANATR" value="50000"/> </chart>
  10. Bar Chart Not Displaying Rounded Edges In Javascript

    If you look at that chart and then compare it to the flash version, in flash the corners are rounded much more. Shouldn't the amount of curvature be the same for both charts?
  11. Hi, Using this defintion, the area under the line is green in flash but grey in javascript. Are you all aware of this problem? Is there a workaround I can use? I need both charts to look the same. Thanks. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<graph lineDashed="0" useRoundEdges="0" rotateValues="1" showValues="0" divLineColor="000000" canvasBgColor="dad9da" rotateLabels="1" xaxisname="X-Axis" yaxisname="Y-Axis" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" unescapeLinks="0" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0"> -<styles> -<definition> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="YAXISVALUESFontStyle"/> <style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="LegendFontStyle"/> </definition> -<application> <apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/> <apply styles="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" toObject="YAXISVALUES"/> <apply styles="LegendFontStyle" toObject="Legend"/> </application> </styles> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Dairy Products" value="115387.6500"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Beverages" value="103924.3100"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Confections" value="82657.7300"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Meat/Poultry" value="80975.1200"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Seafood" value="66959.2100"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Grains/Cereals" value="56871.8200"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Condiments" value="55368.6000"/> <set color="008000" alpha="100" label="Produce" value="54940.7600"/> <trendlines/> </graph>
  12. Chart Debug In Javascript

    How come the intial slicing animation doesn't appear when using the javascript variant? Our goal is for there to be seamless integration and javascript and flash variants to operate exactly the same. Is this impossible for these charts?
  13. Hey, The pyramid chart animates and slices in flash just fine. But I am not getting the same behavior in javascript. Is this intentional? Do the pyramid charts in javascript support animation? I am having trouble finding the documentation for the pyramid or funnel chart. Thanks, Ben
  14. Chart Debug In Javascript

    Hey, The chart type is for either a pyramid or funnel. I can't get either of them to animate. I also can't get them to slice either. Even though you can see isSliced is set and the slicingDistance is defined, there is no slicing.
  15. Hey, Where can i download the service release? I don't see a place for me to easily download it. We already have a license, I just want to download just the update.
  16. Hi, I just tried again and confirmed that the behavior is not the same between flash and javascript. Here's the chart definition: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><chart bgColor="9CF7F4" animation="1" isSliced="1" slicingDistance="2" plotFillAlpha="53" manageResize="1" showNames="0" showValues="1" showLabels="1" decimalPrecision="4" thousandSeparator="." decimalSeparator="" numberPrefix="" formatNumberScale="0" numberSuffix=""><set value="10000" name="HANAR" /><set value="20000" name="TOMSP" /><set value="3000" name="VICTE" /><set value="40000" name="ALFKI" /><set value="50000" name="ANATR" /></chart> It animates in flash, but not in Javascript. Using the debugger, I found that I am on version 3.3.1. The debugger doesn't say if it's service release 1 or not. Was pyramid animation fixed in service release 1? Also, the chart debug info does not come up in javascript, it only works in flash. Not sure if this is something you are aware of or not.