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Everything posted by ramadevimandala

  1. Hi, I am developing the dashboards application with fusion charts, I am getting data by executing sql query and using the xsl generating the xml to display the graph. here I want to generate the top/bottom n results of y axis values on the fly. provide me the details if any body developed this kind? Thanks, Rama
  2. Drill down for multiseries graph

    Hi, Can you please tell me how I can do the drill for multi series column3D graph. here is my XML: <chart palette="2" caption="Turnover Comparison" shownames="1" showvalues="0" decimals="0" useRoundEdges="1" legendBorderAlpha="0" bgColor="99CCFF,FFFFFF" bgAlpha="40,100" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="360" showBorder="1" xaxisname="Leaving Reson" yaxisname="Number of employees"> <categories> <category label="Other"/> <category label="Benefits"/> <category label="Deceased"/> <category label="Resigned"/> <category label="Dismissed"/> <category label="Education"/> <category label="Retirement"/> <category label="Compensation"/> <category label="Gross Misconduct"/> <category label="Poor Performance"/> <category label="Better Opportunity"/> <category label="Voluntary Redundancy"/> <category label="Compulsory Redundancy"/> <category label="Lacks Growth Potential"/> <category label="Voluntary Early Retirement"/> <category label="Capability Dismissal on Ill Health Grounds"/> </categories> <dataset seriesName="2003" color="AFD8F8" showValues="0"> <set value="15"/> <set value="14"/> <set value="2"/> <set value="28"/> <set value="6"/> <set value="2"/> <set value="5"/> <set value="82"/> <set value="21"/> <set value="50"/> <set value="44"/> <set value="1"/> <set value="7"/> <set value="5"/> <set value="4"/> <set value="5"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="2004" color="F6BD0F" showValues="0"> <set value="8"/> <set value="17"/> <set value="1"/> <set value="34"/> <set value="5"/> <set value="2"/> <set value="55"/> <set value="15"/> <set value="29"/> <set value="49"/> <set value="3"/> <set value="1"/> <set value="11"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="2005" color="8BBA00" showValues="0"> <set value="11"/> <set value="13"/> <set value="2"/> <set value="33"/> <set value="7"/> <set value="3"/> <set value="76"/> <set value="4"/> <set value="11"/> <set value="24"/> <set value="67"/> <set value="2"/> <set value="5"/> <set value="4"/> </dataset> </chart> Thanks, Rama
  3. Hi, I have the single value on area chart and no link is coming for that to go on drill down, if I change the graph type to any other then I am able click for drill down. But I want to show the drill down for Area graph also.. here is my xml: any suggestion? Thanks Rama
  4. Hi, I want to see the tooltext instead of label in SSGrid graph type as I have like label="San Fran..." toolText="San Francisco" in my xml. is it possible? an solution? Thanks, Rama
  5. Notable to do the drill down for area graph

    Hi, I am using the same syntax only , the drill down is working fine but my question is where to click on the graph is not visible in case of area graph type ,see the attached image. Thanks, Rama 1.bmp
  6. Notable to do the drill down for area graph

    I have attached the file Area2D_2248_763.xml
  7. Notable to do the drill down for area graph

    xml: The drill down is coming but where to click on the graph is not visible, like dot or anything we can put for drill down click
  8. Hi, I am developing the multi series graph for which multiseries dimesion is the year ,on the graph the year is displaying with out any sorted order, do you have any option to sort this. I have attached the xml file. It is little urgent,please help asap. Thanks Rama StackedColumn3D_1866_564.xml
  9. Hi, I am using Fusioncharts 3.1, and i want display the underlying data for the graph ,so I used GridData graph type, but it is not coming for multi series graph.. experts.. please any help? it is very urgent.. Thanks Rama
  10. Data Grid Graph type for multi series graph

    Hi, PFA.. Thanks Rama StackedColumn3D_1373_564.xml
  11. 'FusionCharts' is undefined

    Hi , I am getting the script error while using the FusionCharts in update chart method, please provide the required info, it is very urgent. I have FusionCharts V3.1 licence Message: 'FusionCharts' is undefined Line: 101 Char: 12 Code: 0 my source code is: function updateChart(divId,chartId1,swf,fpath){ //Get reference to chart object using Dom ID var chartObj = new FusionCharts(swf, chartId1, "450", "300", "0", "1"); chartObj.setDataURL(fpath); chartObj.addVariable('showShadow', '1'); chartObj.render(divId); } getting the error at line new FusionCharts(swf, chartId1, "450", "300", "0", "1"); Thanks, rama
  12. 'FusionCharts' is undefined

    Yup I have already included that file.
  13. 'FusionCharts' is undefined

    anybody from FusionCharts team pls help, it is bit urgent
  14. Hi, I am using the FusionChartsHelper in jsp as: strDataURL = FusionChartsHelper.encodeDataURL(par); We are getting an error when trying to use the FusionChartsHelper class file from FusionCharts v3.1 (Release: 24th February 2009) licensed version. I have the Jdeveloper with jdk1.4 , so when I tried to import the FusionChartsHelper .class file and build my project its giving below error message: Error: cannot access class com.fusioncharts.FusionChartsHelper; class file has wrong version 50.0, should be 45.3 or 46.0 or 47.0 or 48.0 So please provide the FusionChartsHelper.class file which can be used with java1.4 Thanks, Rama
  15. FusionChartsHelper.class is not compatable with JDK 1.4

    Thank you its, working fine now.
  16. Print function is not working

    Hi, I want to print the chart when the print icon is clicked so I am calling the js function. function printChart(divId){ //Get chart from its ID var chartToPrint = getChartFromId(divId); chartToPrint.print(); } I am passing the chart id which is unique id and set the registerWithJS=1 here is the view source of my chart: width="450" height="300" id="chart_1"> quality="high" width="450" height="300" name="chart_1" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> I am using FusionCharts_Evaluation licence copy, please help asap .. its very urgent. Thanks in advance
  17. Print function is not working

    I am using FusionCharts v3.1 Release: 24th February 2009
  18. Print function is not working

    Thank you very much, after I gave the registerWithJS in correct place I have 2 more questions. 1. I have issue with save chart as a image ,like print function same way I am using save function ,its not throwing any error but not saving the chart. in XML I have given ..... and js function I am using is: function saveChart(chartId){ //Get chart from its ID var chartToPrint = getChartFromId(chartId); chartToPrint.saveAsImage(); } I think I am doing something wrong somewhere. 2. Please suggest me if there is any way I can write js function when the copy icon is clicked to copy the selected chart data to clip board, which right now is coming on the chart when right clicked and select copy data to clipboard.
  19. Print function is not working

    Hmmm.., I am including the FC jsp in my jsp code and passing the registerWithJS=1 where my jspURL =FCHTMLRenderer.jsp?chartWidth=450&chartHeight=300&chartId=chart_1&debugMode=false&registerWithJS=1&strURL=../Column3D_1.xml&chartSWF=../Column3D.swf I have also set the Adobe Flash Player Global Security settings, but still getting the same JS error.. Please help Thank you
  20. Print function is not working

    when calling script function the following error is coming Webpage error details Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 98 Char: 10 in line 98 I have chartToPrint.print(); my html code is: [ code ] width="450" height="300" id="chart_1"> quality="high" width="450" height="300" name="chart_1" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> [/ code ]
  21. On the fly changin the Graph type

    Hi, I am preparing Dashboard using jsp and js code with the Fusion charts. my dashboard has 3 dashboard units, i want to to change the graph type whenever i select graph type above my graph. please suggest if you have js api to do this. I tried to write js function to chnage the graph dynamically but it is not working in drill down chart. Thanks, Rama
  22. On the fly changin the Graph type

    Thank you for the solution , its working awesome
  23. On the fly changin the Graph type

    I have passed teh par : par1=par.substring(0,par.length()-2)+"chartSWF="+cPath+selectedGraphname+".swf"+"&chartId="+chartId+"&debugMode=false"+"&registerWithJS=true"+"&strURL="+fPath; which has registerWithJS=true and also has the
  24. On the fly changin the Graph type

    when I used the above js code getting the scripe error like"Object doesn't support or method" I am rendering the graph using String jspURL="FCHTMLRenderer.jsp"+par1; %><%