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Everything posted by RaghuRaju

  1. Hi All, I'm very new here and from non technical background. I'm trying to recreate car-dashboard using same FussionWidgets XT. I'm unable to make the Angular Gauge chart background as transparent. I tried adding setTransparent='true', canvasBgAlpha='0', bgAlpha='0' but did not help, the background still shows white with the charts. I'm not sure how I could achieve this. Kindly help sort this issue. Thanks & Regards, Raghu.
  2. Hi Haritha, I got the solution. Thanks Udhaya for your kind help. Regards, Raghu.
  3. Hi Haritha, I have attached the XML files and i'm trying to recreate Car-Dashboard which is available here http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/business/car-dashboard/view/index.html I'm unable to remove the background in charts. Please let me know how this could be fixed. Thanks, Raghu. DailyDashBoard1.zip