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Well, thanks for the answer, but this is not what i want. I want to divide datas by parts (7 parts for a week, each part representing a day), not just adding vlines. But, i'm surprised : i tried to render your xml, and well, the horizontal dashed lines are overdrawn by dark lines (see my attached image of previous post), while yours are clear and readable. Why is that? i totally would like to clear those dark lines, erasing them or shading them to minus alpha... And well, i'll try to resolve my other issues by myself. Thanks for your time again
Hi Sashibhusan, Thanks for your answer, i figured out how to have my data <set> working good. I still have a problem with the XAXIS label and the divisions of the background. Here, in the file i sent, you can see a graph representing a process running during last week. In the XAxis, you can see the dates (there are several dates which are the same and that's normal), and in the YAxis, the performing duration of the process. Simple, isn't it? My problem here, is that i would like to divide the background of the charts to represent a step. Explication : here, i see the performing times for the process for last week, and i would like to divide the background in 7 parts, for each day of the week. And in the XAxis, i would like to display some dates/hours, but not ALL of them (there are too much) Could you help me please? Here is the XML generated : (i had to erase some lines randomly, because the forum doesn't like "post too long") but if you want to see it integraly, i attached it to this post.xmlTests.xml <chart caption="Average performing time calculated of the last Week" linethickness="1" formatnumberscale="1" anchorradius="2" anchoralpha="0" divlinealpha="20" divlinecolor="CC3300" divlineisdashed="1" showalternatehgridcolor="1" alternatehgridalpha="5" alternatehgridcolor="CC3300" labelstep="7" showvalues="0" labeldisplay="Rotate" numvdivlines="5" chartrightmargin="35" bgcolor="FFFFFF,CC3300" bgangle="270" bgalpha="10,10"> <categories> <category label="04/09/2013 14:18:47"> </category> <category label="04/09/2013 14:20:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 08:52:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 08:54:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 08:56:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 08:58:46"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 09:00:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 09:02:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 09:04:47"> </category> <category label="10/09/2013 09:06:46"> </category> <category label="11/09/2013 14:16:46"> </category> </categories> <dataset seriesname="process01" color="FF0000"> <set value="35"> </set> <set value="23"> </set> <set value="31"> </set> <set value="15"> </set> <set value="34"> </set> <set value="26"> </set> <set value="12"> </set> <set value="55"> </set> <set value="30"> </set> <set value="17"> </set> </dataset> </chart> thanks for the help!
Hi Rishab, Frist of all thanks for your answers. Well, in my topic, i totally made a mistake : my <chart> tag is already having a labelStep = '7' . But i miswrote it in this topic. So, even with a labelStep = '7', there is no change in the display of xAxis labels... And for my query, i've done it after some researches. i do ORDER BY pRun.DateStart ASC, p.Name ASC But now, i have some difficulties with the treatment of the result, because i obtain something like this : (because it ordered everything by dates) pId01 pName01 DateStart001 Value01 pId01 pName01 DateStart002 Value02 pId02 pName02 DateStart003 Value01 pId01 pName01 DateStart004 Value03 And i have a lot of difficulties to render the <dataset label''> and the <set value> which have to match the p.ID AND the pRun.DateStart... I've tried with multiple arrays, but i don't get the logic here, so if you could give me some advices, that would be very helpful !!
Hello everybody! I have two questions concerning xAxis Label of MSLine2D charts.. First of all : - How do I manage the display of labels on xAxis? I've already tried the labelStep attribute to the <chart> tag : <chart caption='AverageProcess time' stepLabel = '7'> But it goes on rendering ALL the label from the <category> tag. My second question is more SQL-PHP side : - I set my categories label from a database, where all the dates for a process start are set. So, for every process, there is a lot of dates. but in my SQL query, i wrote : SELECT p.DateStart, p.Name, p.Id FROM processes ORDER BY (p.Name, ASC) That gives me a chart with xAxis label like : '23/04/2013' '25/04/2013' '27/04/2013' (which is for the first process) followed by : '22/04/2013' '23/04/2013' 25/04/2013' (which is for the second process) So, i would like to render my labels by chronological order. How do i do that? by SQL (on Oracle database), by PHP or by XML?? Thanks by advance!
Hi Sashbhusan, I tried to edit this topic and add some code, but, strangely it won't let me edit or delete it... So, the renderchartAvgSum() works like this : function renderchartAvgSum($chartType,$idList,$step,$beginDate,$endDate,$chartName,$valueQuery,$graphW,$graphH){ //data query made with $idList, which obtain all the datas from the bases //treatment of these datas to form a XML string $strXML $FC= new FusionCharts("MSline2D", $graphW, $graphH); // I wanted to display my charts in HML5/JS, so i used this, but it didn't work, so for now it's in comment $FC->setRenderer('javascript'); echo $FC->renderChartJS("FCroots/FusionCharts_XT_Professional/Charts/".$chartType.".swf", "", $strXML, "", $graphW, $graphH); } Here is the xml string i get (but xml formated for here so it is easier to read) : "<chart caption='".$chartName."' step='".$step."'> <categories> <category label ='20/08/2013 08:52:63'></category> <category label ='20/08/2013 09:52:63'></category> <category label ='20/08/2013 10:52:63'></category> </categories> <dataset seriesname = 'myProcess01'> <set value = '256'></set> <set value = '369'></set> <set value = '236'></set> </dataset> <dataset seriesname = 'myProcess02'> <set value = '301'></set> <set value = '219'></set> <set value = '152'></set> </dataset> </chart But, finally, while typing this response, i tried it with Firefox, and it ended with an issue due to fusionchart files path. By the way, thanks for your fast reaction!
Sorry, it seems i can't re-edit my topic. Here it is the all one good wrotten. Hi everybody, I try to render a multi series line chart in my page, using 3 php files : - index.php, wich contains a form to pick up some elements (processes executed in the month, and a period -last hour, last day..), - processCharts.php, which treat the informations from the form and call the function "renderchartAvgSum(()" - chartCreation.php, in which i defined the function "renderchartAvgSum()" and which uses "renderChartJS()" from FusionChart. let's see this : chartCreation.php create the function renderchartAvgSum(), by going to the database to get informations and store it into an xml string ($strXML). then, it calls renderChartJS() from FusionCHart_Gen.php. Here is the xml generated : <chart caption = 'MyCHartTitle' lineThickness='1' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='1' anchorRadius='2' divLineAlpha='20' divLineColor='CC3300' divLineIsDashed='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridAlpha='5' alternateHGridColor='CC3300' labelStep='3' numvdivlines='5' chartRightMargin='35' bgColor='FFFFFF,CC3300' bgAngle='270' bgAlpha='10,10'> <categories> <category label='20/08/2013 20:08:13'></category> <category label='20/07/2013 20:08:13'></category> <category label='20/06/2013 20:08:13'></category> </categories> <dataset seriesname='MyProcess01'> <set value='32'></set> <set value='42'></set> <set value='52'></set> </dataset> <dataset seriesname='MyProcess02'> <set value='12'></set> <set value='22'></set> <set value='62'></set> </dataset> </chart> To call the renderChartJS() function, i first require FusionChart_Gen.php, and then i do that : $FC= new FusionCharts("MSline2D", $graphW, $graphH); $FC->setRenderer('javascript'); echo $FC->renderChartJS("http://fusion.hrsys.fr/js/charts/FusionCharts/Charts/".$chartType.".swf", "", $strXML, "", $graphW, $graphH); Did i do something wrong? Because no chart are displayed in my browser, only "Chart" text from <div id="chart">. No error occured... Could you help me please?
Hi everybody, I try to render a multi series line chart in my page, using 3 php files : - index.php, wich contains a form to pick up some elements (processes executed in the month, and a period -last hour, last day..), - processCharts.php, which treat the informations from the form and call the function "renderchartAvgSum(()" - chartCreation.php, in which i defined the function "renderchartAvgSum()" and which uses "renderChartJS()" from FusionChart. let's see this : chartCreation.php <?php require_once("/FusionChartPath/FusionCharts_Gen.php"); /* function renderchartAvgSum() : * $chartType : the Chart we want to build. MSLine, Line etc... * $pID : lists of process Ids to find in the database * $step : step of xAxis in the cahrt * $diffDate : difference in days between $endDate -today- and begin date of process * $endDate : ending date of process . generally = SYSDATE * $queryValue : what we need (avg by wich time?) * $graphW, $graphH : dimensions of chart. */ renderchartAvgSum($chartType,$pID,$step, $diffDate, $endDate, $chartName, $queryValue, $graphW, $graphH){ if(!empty($processList)){ } ?> blabalaaa
Hi everybody, I try to render a multi series line chart in my page, using 3 php files : - index.php, wich contains a form to pick up some elements (processes executed in the month, and a period -last hour, last day..), - processCharts.php, which treat the informations from the form and call the function "renderchartAvgSum(()" - chartCreation.php, in which i defined the function "renderchartAvgSum()" and which uses "renderChartJS()" from FusionChart. let's see this : chartCreation.php <?php require_once("/FusionChartPath/FusionCharts_Gen.php"); /* function renderchartAvgSum() : * $chartType : the Chart we want to build. MSLine, Line etc... * $pID : lists of process Ids to find in the database * $step : step of xAxis in the cahrt * $diffDate : difference in days between $endDate -today- and begin date of process * $endDate : ending date of process . generally = SYSDATE * $queryValue : what we need (avg by wich time?) * $graphW, $graphH : dimensions of chart. */ renderchartAvgSum($chartType,$pID,$step, $diffDate, $endDate, $chartName, $queryValue, $graphW, $graphH){ if(!empty($processList)){ } ?>
Well, thank you Swarnam! I'll try it out, i did not see it through the doc! Hope it will helps me, but it already seem to do the job.
hello there! I'm new to FusionCharts, so maybe ly question is silly, but i couldn't find out the solution. What i want to achieve : - generate a multiple series line chart (MSLine) in html5, from a extern xml datas file (with VLines, but that is not the heart of the issue) What is my problem : - i'm trying to apply the tuto "Using FusionCHarts PHP class" in the section "Creating a chart with external xml file", i'm studiying the code. Aaaand there is: $FC->setSWFPath("../../FusionCharts/"); And i really don't want to create charts in swf. But there is nothing precised for html5/svg charts is there any way to do that via the PHP Class? Or do i have to use another tool??