I'd like to use the rotate and labelstep features described here: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/?AttDesc/DataLabels.html
However, I don't know where chart element is. I just have a graph element
I'm passing the data to FCF_line from a 2-dimensional PHP array:
$strXML = "<graph caption='xxx' subcaption='xxxx' xAxisName='xxx' yAxisName='xxx' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize ='18' baseFontColor ='000000' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0' decimalPrecision='2' yAxisMinValue='-0.5' yAxisMaxValue='2' adjustDiv='0' numDivLines='9' divLineIsDashed='1' divLineColor='8CB1FF' numVDivLines='xxx'>";
foreach ($arrData as $arSubData)
$strXML .= "<set name='" . $arSubData[1] . "' value='" . $arSubData[2] ."' color='#FF0000' />";
$strXML .= "</graph>";
echo renderChart("../../FusionCharts/FCF_Line.swf", "", $strXML, "liftcurve", 700, 700);
Any hints?
Thanks in advance!
Any way to use HTML special chars (ie. greek letters or è ò à) in the captions? I just get an empty space whenever I use them.