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Everything posted by steveddei

  1. Has anyone had experience with Fusion Charts and Zend Framework? I recently finished my last project using standard PHP flat files and now need to switch to Zend. I have most of my site and layout up and running in Zend, but now need to get the charts going. Please provide any samples using fusioncharts and zend using modular structure. Thx.
  2. I am exporting all my charts to JPG and saving to the server. My issue is that in IE (not sure if browser specific) the charts render fine, off-screen, however the export does not start until it is in view on the screen if I scroll the chart off the page during export, it is paused, then resumes when I scroll it back is to visible view. Has anyone experienced it or have a way to solve this? Thanks.
  3. Javascript slicing for pie charts

    FC Docs how is this done in 3.1? Also, is there better documentation of methods pertaining to FC versions? From my understanding you have one doc and lump it all together and API doesnt point out to which version the methods pertain to.
  4. I am using FC 3.1 PHP to generate my markup then javascript to update the data. Since 3.1 does not support single attribute update, I am trying to set the dataxml and I am getting the following error: I have searched the forums and tried all the solution. The strange thing is that, honestly, out of no where, it worked, but now it is not. I have tried the scenerios: Get and reset- var xml = chart.getXML(); chart.setDataXML(xml); "<chart showPercentValues="1" animation="1" baseFontSize="18" showBorder="0" bgAlpha="0" bgColor=""FFFFFF"" bold="1"><set value="3596.74" label="Initial" /><set value="105.35" label="Software" /><set value="130.20" label="System" /><set value="52.45" label="Media/Service" /><set value="0.00" label="Indirect (Initial)" /><set value="656.66" label="Operation/cost" /><set value="2910.96" label="Maintenance" /><set value="11777.30" label="Fees" /><set value="974.41" label="Content" /><set value="263.85" label="Update" /><set value="263.00" label="Updates" /><set value="720.00" label="costs (Recurring)" /></chart>" Replaced double quotes- var xml = chart.getXML(); "<chart showPercentValues="1" animation="1" baseFontSize="18" showBorder="0" bgAlpha="0" bgColor=""FFFFFF"" bold="1"><set value="3596.74" label="Initial" /><set value="105.35" label="Software" /><set value="130.20" label="System" /><set value="52.45" label="Media/Service" /><set value="0.00" label="Indirect (Initial)" /><set value="656.66" label="Operation/cost" /><set value="2910.96" label="Maintenance" /><set value="11777.30" label="Fees" /><set value="974.41" label="Content" /><set value="263.85" label="Update" /><set value="263.00" label="Updates" /><set value="720.00" label="costs (Recurring)" /></chart>" xml = xml.replace(/\"/g,"'"); or xml = xml.replace(/"/g,"'"); "<chart showPercentValues='1' animation='1' baseFontSize='18' showBorder='0' bgAlpha='0' bgColor=''FFFFFF'' bold='1'><set value='3596.74' label='Initial'/><set value='105.35' label='Software'/><set value='130.20' label='System'/><set value='52.45' label='Media/Service' /><set value='0.00' label='Indirect (Initial)' /><set value='656.66' label='Operation/cost' /><set value='2910.96' label='Maintenance' /><set value='11777.30' label='Fees' /><set value='974.41' label='Content' /><set value='263.85' label='Update' /><set value='263.00' label='Updates'/><set value='720.00' label='costs (Recurring)' /></chart>" chart.setDataXML(xml); None of them seem to work $('#toggle').toggle( function(){ var chart = getChartFromId('Doughnut2D1'); if(chart && chart.hasRendered && chart.hasRendered()==true) { var xml = chart.getXML(); xml = xml.replace(/"/g,"'"); //xml = xml.replace("showValues='1'", "showPercentValues='1'"); chart.setDataXML(xml); } }, function(){ var chart = getChartFromId('Doughnut2D1'); if(chart && chart.hasRendered && chart.hasRendered()==true) { var xml = chart.getXML(); xml = xml.replace(/"/g,"'"); //xml = xml.replace("showPercentValues='1'", "showValues='1'"); chart.setDataXML(xml); } });
  5. Fc 3.1 Getxmll() And Setdataxml() Not Working

    Well, sometimes it take some talking out to figure it out I just noticed in the post, that the XML is mal-formed. On load, it doesn't blow up with bgColor=""FFFFFF"" , but on js update it does. Turns out on the PHP side, the bgColor param was set to bgColor="FFFFFF", when it should have been bgColor=FFFFFF.
  6. I have used FC on several projects, but not sure if it can do my next task. Please let me know if it can, and what is the best approach. Samples too Here is what I am developing: - An Admin page with a form (values of the chart) and a Display page that will display the chart. - When the Admin updates the value, the Display page will dynamically animate the chart to the new value. Values are updated remotely and display page reflects the live data change. My main question is, using javascript to update a value in the dataset, can FC dynamically update and Animate to the new value. (not a entire refesh or draw of the chart). I am looking for it to 'Grow' visually. I saw this post but not sure if the feature has been added.
  7. I have to display data on a single chart with Line, Scatter and Stacked Bar. I've looked through the available charts and didnt see one that could be used. Does anyone know of a chart that would work or an alternate solution? (yes, has to be on the same chart). Is it possible to not 'fill' in one of my bar data sets? that will give the impression of a scatter...
  8. Looking For Chart: Line, Scatter, Stacked Bar

    Adding 'valuePadding' does nothing to the StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf chart. The value still shows in the middle. btw i am using 3.1. This is from the sample provided, with my extra data set <chart palette='1' caption='Sales' shownames='1' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='$' sYAxisValuesDecimals='2' connectNullData='0' PYAxisName='Revenue' SYAxisName='Quantity' numDivLines='4' formatNumberScale='0' valuePadding='10'> <categories> <category label='March' /> <category label='April' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='June' /> <category label='July' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Product A' color='AFD8F8' showValues='0'> <set value='25601.34' /> <set value='20148.82' /> <set value='17372.76' /> <set value='35407.15' /> <set value='38105.68' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Product B' color='F6BD0F' showValues='0' > <set value='57401.85' /> <set value='41941.19' /> <set value='45263.37' /> <set value='117320.16' /> <set value='114845.27' dashed='1'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Product B' color='000000' alpha='50' showValues='1'> <set value='104634.85' /> <set value='103423.19' /> <set value='106755.37' /> <set value='104532.16' /> <set value='108090.27' dashed='1'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Total Quantity' color='8BBA00' showValues='0' parentYAxis='S' > <set value='45000' /> <set value='44835' /> <set value='42835' /> <set value='77557' /> <set value='92633' /> </dataset> </chart>
  9. Looking For Chart: Line, Scatter, Stacked Bar

    We are currently trying StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf chart, however it does not give us the expected results. We are able to set a stacked bar alpha to 1, this way the value only dsplays, however the value is displayed in the middle of the bar. setting valuePosition does nothing. I am guessing that only works for lines. Is there a way to position the value at the top of the bar?
  10. Looking For Chart: Line, Scatter, Stacked Bar

    That should work, how about a 3D version though?
  11. Chart Export paused in IE8 when off screen

    I have animation set to 0 already and still have the issue.
  12. Chart Export paused in IE8 when off screen

    Yes, I am using Adobe Flash 10.1 ActiveX for IE8. I did notice it actually does export, but takes a long time. I have 7 charts (off-screen) and it rendered after 4 minutes.
  13. Bar3d Chart?

    I have Bar2D, but need a Bar3D. MSBar3D will not work for my scenerio. Is this available or planned?
  14. I have multiple frames which include charts. When I click on one, I can easly update a signle frame with another chart. My objective is to update multiple charts from click on one chart. I am using PHP /Class to construct my chart and data set. Currently my link looks something like this: $FC->addChartData($row['Total_Qty'], "link=F-otdDd-frame_ddpage.php?period=$periods"); How do I update multiple frames from the same click?
  15. I am using v3.1, so far all charts export fine using .exportChart(), however MSCombi3D is just exporting the 'Canvas', not the chart. I have animation off, so this is not the issue. Here is a screenshot: And the exported Image:
  16. MSCombi3D Chart not Exporting as JPG properly

    Thanks. Did the trick!
  17. Print Issue in MAC OSX 10.6.5 and Firefox 3.0

    #1 This is a Safari and Firefox issue, not FusionChart. I had the same issue, so to solve it I used the "ExportChart" feature to save a copy to the server. This is done once the chart loads on the clients browser. It cannot render otherwise. If the user wants to print the charts, a seperate popup window is envoked and the images are loaded instead of the Flash Chart. #2 I also had the scale issue, so i set it to noScale.
  18. MSCombi3D Chart not Exporting as JPG properly

    Any update on this bug??
  19. MSCombi3D Chart not Exporting as JPG properly

    Thanks Basundhara. I have tested with mine and noticed it DOES work when you manually right-click and export-to-image, however, it DOES NOT work when you use the callback and JS to trigger the export. All other charts work correclty so far. MSCombi3D is having trouble. Please see attached HTML use case file.
  20. I am using the exportChart() function to save a copy of the chart to the server and was having the problem of it exporting before the chart finished animating. I have seen the work arounds using a timerdelay to call export at a delayed time, but that is not going to work and is a bit sloppy. Is there such thing as a FC_Animated or something so i can tell when the chart IS finished being animated? thx.
  21. Hello, I have built a page with PHP/Zend Framework and FusionCharts v3. I dynamically create 20+ line charts on a single page using FusionCharts_Gen.php/FusionCharts.php. With Windows 7 64 and Safari 4.0.5 (531.22.7) the page freezes before rendering the first chart. With Windows XP 32 and Safari 4.0.5 (531.22.7) the page and charts loads completely. I need to get Safari to work, as my project needs to be compliant with all latest browsers. A possible reason is that all charts are trying to load a t the same time. I will try to wait for each chart to finish before loading the next...
  22. Safari Freezes when loading 20+ Charts

    Reinstalled Flash Player, and not it works fine.
  23. There is a lot of posts, but nothing summed up. I am creating a page with the following code: I have a Javascript function to call 'window.print()' In IE 8, I am able to print to PDF and the Printer; all charts displaying, However with Safari 4 on Windows 7, no charts are displaying and on Mac OSX only the charts that are currently visible on the screen will print. Those charts off screen do not print. Is this a browser issue? Is this a Flash issue? How do I go about getting to Safari, Chrome, IE to all print roughly the same?
  24. Print Page From Browser, Chart Issues

    Well from my testing, it looks like by design, Safari and Firefox will not print Flash objects. My goal is to get the FC 3.1 so I can convert the flash to images and display those for page printing.
  25. I am dymaically generating multiple rows of charts using Zend/PHP in a Zend partialLoop. I want to render/load one chart at a time. Each chart should wait until the previous chart has loaded in the client browser. Here is a snippet of the existing code. echo "<td>"; echo renderChart("/Charts/Area2D.swf", "",$this->FCOBJA, "groupFCA".$id, 90, 30, false, false); echo "</td> <td>"; echo renderChart("/Charts/Column2D.swf", "",$this->FCOBJB, "groupFCB".$id, 90, 30, false, false); echo "</td> <td>"; echo renderChart("/Charts/Area2D.swf", "",$this->FCOBJC, "groupFCC".$id, 90, 30, false, false); echo "</td> <td>"; echo renderChart("/Charts/Column2D.swf", "",$this->FCOBJD, "groupFCD".$id, 90, 30, false, true); echo "</td>"; Currenly I am watching the callback fro the last chart, so I know when i can hide a 'Loading' overlay.How would I go about loading the charts one at a time in the clients browser using javascript and the callbacks? Right now all charts try to load at the same time.(very slow, freezes in Safari)