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About womble

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Bars not showing on MSCombi2D.swf

    SOLVED IT It is not a fusion chart issue. You are right the XML was wrong. Even though it was hard coded, I was doing some date math to calculate the points. Turns out one server was happy with dd/mm/yyyy format but my US hosted server wanted things in mm/dd/yyyy Always use UNIX timestamps!! Lesson learned - my fault
  2. Bars not showing on MSCombi2D.swf

    Hi, Thank you for your speedy reply. The XML is hard coded in the PHP so it has to be using the same XML. Not sure why bar chart data is not generated on a different server....looks great on localhost Any other ideas? Cheers Alex
  3. Hi, We've just bought the Licensed version of Fusion Charts v3, great product! I have a graph working on my computer which uses MSCombi2D.swf. It works fine on my PC and server, however when I upload it to my company's server, the graph shows, but only the Line graph data is displayed. The bars are not generated. Any idea what could be wrong?? Cheers Alex
  4. Thanks guys, This new DOM file fixed all my IE explorer (6!) issues