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Everything posted by rohit111111

  1. Annotation Image

    Thanks for your help. But previously, I am trying with caption for gauge chart but its not working and now its working. And also i read in your past posts that caption is not available for gauge chart. To do this one has to use annotation text. Anyway thanks. Thanks, Rohit
  2. Hello, Can we give custom attribute to any chart tag and access that value by clicking on partcular point of any chart(in case of drilldown)? And after accesing this value, can we dynamic configure the Charttype by calling the function "Configurelink" and setting its property of "swfurl" or, "Type" that is going to appear next? kindly, share your thoughts. Thanks, Rohit
  3. Drilldown of Chart

    Hi, The following method is not working for configuring each link on chart. Could you provide me a demo for this? FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink( [ {swfUrl: 'Charts/Bar2D.swf'}, {swfUrl: 'Charts/Pie2D.swf'}, {swfUrl: 'Charts/Line2D.swf'}, {swfUrl: 'Charts/Area2D.swf'} ] ); Thanks, Rohit
  4. Drilldown of Chart

    Thanks for your help. Can you please let me know whether fusion chart api provides export functionality for drilldown charts if we goes upto nth level? so, that all charts upto we goes come into one file i.e. jpg or pdf. And, also let me know how we set type option of configurelink for each link in chart and upto 4 level of drilldown if possible instead of using javascript function and disposing parent chart to replace it with new chart. Thanks, Rohit
  5. Drilldown of Chart

    Can we configure "type" or, "swfurl" property of configurelink for each link on any chart or, its drilldown chart? So, that on each link click we can open another type of chart different from its parent chart(for drilldown)? Thanks,
  6. Drilldown of Chart

    Hello, I wan to ask you that, you have written like this in your demo project for one level drilldown: var myChart = new FusionCharts( "StackedColumn3D","myChartId", "600", "500", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLData(xmldata); myChart.render("chartdiv"); FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink ( { type : "Column2D", overlayButton: { message: 'Back', fontColor : '880000', bgColor:'FFEEEE', borderColor: '660000', } }, 0); You have specifed type as column2D, so that coming chart is column2d chart. So, if we want three level drilldown then where we have to specify column type? And for the swf url you mentioned in above post, if drill down is upto four levels then according to order of swf url you placed(In configurelink method) will mapped accordingly to each level of drill down chart? Thanks, Rohit
  7. Drilldown of Chart

    Thanks for your demo project. Can you just tell me how we can configure link(for more than one level) option and set swf file for each level chart? Thanks, Rohit
  8. Hi, How we can show percentage and value both in tooltip of pie chart instead of showing percentage only? Thanks, Rohit
  9. Showing both percentage and value in Pie chart

    Hello, How many of Fusion charts support drilldown feature? Thanks, Rohit
  10. Showing both percentage and value in Pie chart

    So, for displaying custom text where we get the percentage which is generated by chart automatically by passing value when it renders? Thanks, Rohit
  11. Showing both percentage and value in Pie chart

    I don't want to show custom text, just want to show the value according to which pie chart showing it as percentage. So, the value which are coming and percentage for this value, I want to show in tooltip or, in label. Thanks,
  12. Showing both percentage and value in Pie chart

    Or, Can we show both percent and value in label instead of tooltip? Example: 1, 20 2, 40 .... Currently it is showing : Name, 10%
  13. Hi, As there is batch export functionality for exporting all charts into one in flash, Is there any approach to do this in pure javascript charts?
  14. Hi, How can we pass dynamic created chart ids to FusionChartsExportObject? var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcBatchExporter", "../FusionChart/FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.sourceCharts = ? As I am trying passing the Ids, but batch export doesnot working. Thanks, Rohit
  15. Hi, By creating an array dynamically in jquery and passing it to the sourcechart of your export method, solves my problem. Thanks, Rohit
  16. Hi, Is there any solution for this, what we have discussed above? As, our requirement is to export multiple charts in one file even if user is in ipad or mobile or any other device which doesnot support flash and also we want to include some text within the exported Image/Jpeg/PDF of all charts, that is in the form. If you have any solution, kindly let me know. Thanks, Rohit
  17. Not to worry, I got the solution. Thanks,
  18. Thanks and i will wait for the solution. Rohit
  19. I have set the same in the fusion chart xml, but canvas for the same is not loading correctly i.e. bars are not there. You can also try yourself by putting SVG of your Bar Fusion Chart in this link (got by your defined reference). Thanks, Rohit
  20. Actually, its only in the case of Bar Graph that bar is not visible if converted to canvas, all other charts what i have checked are converting well.
  21. Hi Sashi, Thanks for letting me know about this javascript library, this library does convert SVG to canvas but not converting as same as SVG. You can see in attached images, I converted one of fusion javascript chart into canvas using canvas javascript library but the resulted canvas is not the same as SVG graph. Have you any idea about this that is there something i am doing wrong or, Is this library behaviour?
  22. Thanks, but is there any solution other than this? As in the case you mentioned we have to install some kind of exe or, have to execute shell. And we want only to export chart in the page not the whole html.