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Everything posted by Bindhu

  1. MSCombiDY2D overlap bars

    Hi, Can you please share the XML data for testing purposes? You may refer to the sample XML data below, <chart caption='Sales Volume' PYAxisName='Revenue' SYAxisName='Quantity' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='$' plotSpacePercent='-50'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Quantity' parentYAxis='S' renderAs='column'> <set value='340' /> <set value='120' /> <set value='280' /> <set value='270' /> <set value='430' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Revenue'> <set value='170' /> <set value='610' /> <set value='142' /> <set value='135' /> <set value='214' /> </dataset> </chart> Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered. Hope this helps!
  2. Adding image in tooltext

    Hi, You may use JavaScript code to get the selected value. Ref. Code: <select id="dropDown"> <option value="1">option 1</option> <option value="2" selected="selected">option 2</option> <option value="3">option 3</option> </select> Running this code: var e = document.getElementById("dropDown"); var selectedOption= e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; .value will return 2. If what you actually want is 'option 2', then do this: var e = document.getElementById("dropDown"); var selectedText= e.options[e.selectedIndex].text; Pass this to myChart.setChartAttribute( "caption" , selectedText); Hope this helps!
  3. Line chart X-axis label

    Hi, Create an extra vLine between the vLines and show label of the extra vLine while hiding the vLine. To hide the vLine, set alpha to 0. Ref. Code: <vLine color='000000' thickness='2' labelPosition='1' showLabelborder='0' alpha='0' linePosition='1' label='Mar'/> Hope this helps!
  4. View the code for the xmlgenerator

    Hi, We will not be able to support any further on this as the conversion logic is within the flash file. Hope this clarifies.
  5. MSCombiDY2D overlap bars

    Hi, Render the secondary axis dataset as Column and set plotSpacePercent to a negative value. Ref. Code: <chart caption='Sales Volume' PYAxisName='Revenue' SYAxisName='Quantity' showvalues='0' numberPrefix='$' plotSpacePercent='-50'> .... <dataset seriesName='Quantity' parentYAxis='S' renderAs='Column'> .... </chart> Hope this helps!
  6. Line chart X-axis label

    Hi, You may try using vertical lines to suffice your requirement. Please find attached sample XML and image of the chart rendered using the sample XML. Hope this helps! Workaround.xml
  7. View the code for the xmlgenerator

    Hi, Please download the FusionCharts XT package and you may find the Script in the FusionCharts XT>> Tools>> XMLGen folder. Please check if it helps!
  8. Hi, You may get the chart id using the code below, function LegendItemClickedFunction(eventObject,argumentsObject) { alert(; // gives the chart id } Hope this helps!
  9. Line chart X-axis label

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum We do not support this feature, as of now. Hope this clarifies.
  10. Hi, You may refer to the sample attached by Haritha in this topic itself. Please let us know your requirement so that we can suggest you accordingly.
  11. Hi, We do not support such chart types. However, as a work around, you may try rendering 2 chart within 2 divs contained in a common div with all the chart margins, canvas margins set to zero. Hope this helps!
  12. Hi, It is the intended behavior of JavaScript ZoomLine chart, as of now(v3.3.1 SR3). This feature will be implemented in the upcoming release(v3.4). Hope this helps!
  13. How to fix the line dot in the column

    Hi, Can you please elaborate a bit more on this? Also, please share the XML data with us for testing purposes.
  14. y axis range problem

    Hi, Can you please share the complete JSON data for testing purposes?
  15. Problem with Exporting chart

    Hi, I am unable to replicate the issue with the said dimensions. Please find attached exported image and console log.
  16. Hi, Glad to know that it helps! Happy FusionCharting
  17. Font Style - background

    Hi, In JavaScript charts, only font, color, size, bold and italic attributes are supported. Support for rest of the attributes is browser specific. Hope this clarifies!
  18. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum For the datasets for which you have to show only circles use the attribute 'alpha' and set it to 1. Ref. Code: <dataset seriesName='2006' anchorRadius='3' alpha='1'> You may also use the attribute 'anchorRadius' and increase the circle's radius. Hope this helps!
  19. Hi Durga, It is working fine with the latest version. Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered. Hope this helps!
  20. line graph not rendered in chart

    Hi, It looks like a bug. We are looking into it and would get back to you as soon as possible. Hope this helps!
  21. Hi Durga, It should work. There is no feature limitation/difference between the trial version and the commercial version of FusionCharts XT, except for the fact that the trial version charts are watermarked. Please provide us the XML/JSON data to test it from our end.
  22. showing 2 dials on angular guage

    Hi, Please use 2 <dial ..> within <dials> element. Use the attribute bgColor to specify different colors. Ref. Code: <dials> <dial value="92" bgColor='000000'/> <dial value="34" bgColor='FFFFFF'/> </dials> Hope this helps!