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Everything posted by Vishalika

  1. Script Error In Fusioncharts.hc.js

    Hi, Please note support for rendering of charts, gauges, and maps in Adobe Flash has been deprecated since v3.4.0 or higher versions. SWF files are not needed after upgrading to v3.4.0 or higher. Please check with the latest version of FusionCharts v3.10.1 and confirm if this issue occurs or not. Download the package from this: Awaiting response.
  2. Column2D: Style numbersuffix

    Hi, Please note STYLE element is no longer supported. In style the attribute numbersuffix can't be styled. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Using FusionCharts v3.10.1, you can use the attribute "labellink" to add links to X-axis labels. Refer this sample JSFIddle: You can download the package from this: Hope this helps.
  4. Calculation issue with annotations macros

    Hi, Glad to know that it worked. Happy FusionCharting!!!
  5. Column2D: Style numbersuffix

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Please support for rendering of charts, gauges, and maps in Adobe Flash has been deprecated since v3.4.0 or higher versions. SWF files are not needed after upgrading to v3.4.0 or higher. Also, we have cosmetic properties to styles certain elements of charts in our latest release v3.10.1 Refer this link for the chart attributes: Hope this helps.
  6. Calculation issue with annotations macros

    Hi, Please check this updated JSFiddle: Hope this helps.
  7. Hi, The issue has been replicated. We are looking into it and will keep you posted for the same.
  8. Calculation issue with annotations macros

    Hi, You can use only the + or - operators to create a macro expression. There should be at least one macro name to create a macro expression. Common mathematical expressions like 30 + 10 - 5, which do not contain a macro, will not work. Hope this helps.
  9. Hi, It can set it up in Mac OS .But it requires lot of config to be set as mentioned in Inkscape/ImageMagik If any issues being faced while implementing, do let us know. Hope this helps.
  10. The Case of the Missing Charts

    Hi, Unable to replicate it at our end. Please mention the version FusionCharts you are using. Also, if possible share scaled down sample to replicate it. Awaiting response.
  11. Hi, Due to lot of limitations with Batik, we have moved to Inkscape and ImageMagick. You can refer this link for the same: Hope this helps.
  12. Hi, Please check this section of documentation: If possible, share any JSFiddle to replicate the issue. Awaiting response.
  13. X-Axis labels skipping every second one

    Hi, To show all the labels, avoid using labelStep attribute since it will skip the number of labels specified. And "labelDisplay":"rotate" will help. If unable to do so share your data will check the same. Hope this helps.
  14. real time update of gauge

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! In Angular Gauge, it is possible to set the dial value to the maximum limit when the value is beyond maximum limit using the FusionCharts API setData(). Syntax: setData(dialIndex, value) Description: This method sets the data for the given dial index on the chart. The first dial is represented by index 1, second by 2 and so on. Link: Also, you can change the maximum limit value dynamically using FusionCharts API setChartAttribute() . Syntax: setChartAttribute(attributes, value) Description: Updates a chart's data attributes with the new attribute-value pair. In other words, it updates a chart's data definition root. Link: Hope this will help your use case scenario.
  15. Export img uri

    Hi, We have tried a sample implementation as per the use case using Phantom JS. Sharing the sample: Hope this helps.
  16. Annotations and IE 9

    Hi, Could you please share any sample or JSFiddle to replicate the issue? Awaiting response.
  17. Align annotations under gauge chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! FusionCharts Suite XT lets you control annotations dynamically using the FusionCharts API. These methods let you create, update, set the visibility of, and delete annotation groups and items at run-time. For more details: For resizing , the macros will help: Try using the attribute origH, origW, refer this for the same: Hope this helps.
  18. stackedbar2d - no vertical lines

    Hi, Please check the updated JSFiddle as per your requirement: Hope this helps.
  19. Export img uri

    Hi, Please confirm if you want to export multiple charts at a time. If yes, then FusionCharts does not support it, else if you can elaborate the use case scenario for the same. Awaiting response.
  20. render in JPG

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! The chart can be exproted to JPG format but the JS graphic cannot be replaced. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! For the PHP wrapper to work the main .js file should be included. Refer this for more details: Hope this helps.
  22. Gantt, problem on small resolitions

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Please refer this updated JSFiddle: Try setting the left margin of chart and right margin of chart as 1. Hope this helps.
  23. Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart

    Hi, Sharing a sample of PHP and MySQL with JSON data: https://www.dropbox....hp-sql.rar?dl=0 Please check and share your feedback.