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Found 5 results

  1. Greetings everyone. I'm testing FusionchartsXT for a project and i need to create a realtime line chart on which i can add: - a scrollbar to navigate to previous values; - a zoom functionality so i can get details on a specific area of the chart; Can someone tell me how to do this please? From the examples i got, it seems that the scrollbar is not a chart property; instead, charts with scrollbars are just a type of chart, that doesn't accept realtime datafeeds. Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards, José Salgueiro.
  2. real time update of gauge

    Hello, I'm trying to configure real time gauge for a web site. My gauge : var chart10456 = new FusionCharts("AngularGauge", "_chart10456", "500", "200"); var datas = myxml; chart10456.setXMLUrl('GetGaugeDataStream?ID_NUMGENREN=10456');chart10456.render("chartContainer_chart10456"); My datas : <chart type="angular" style="1" manageresize="0" lowerlimit="0" palette="3" valuebelowpivot="1" majortmheight="25" tickvaluedistance="10" showvalue="1" gaugeinnerradius="70%" pivotfillcolor="333333" pivotradius="6" pivotfillmix="333333, FFFFFF" pivotfilltype="radial" pivotfillratio="0,100" showtickvalues="1" showborder="0" origw="400" origh="220" chartbottommargin="10" name="chart10456" id="chart10456" dataStreamURL="GetGaugeDataStreamRT?ID_NUMGENREN=10456" clickURL="DataViewVision?ID1=10284&ORDER=1&PDS=SourceGen" refreshInterval="10" showRTMenuItem="1" upperlimit="100"> <dials> <dial value="7" rearextension="0" radius="90%" bgcolor="CCCCCC" bordercolor="999999" basewidth="6" alpha="50"/> </dials> <trendpoints> <point usemarker="0" thickness="1" color="FF0000" startvalue="100" innerradius="75" valueinside="1"/> </trendpoints> <colorrange> <color minvalue="0" maxvalue="50" code="#6baa01"/> <color minvalue="50" maxvalue="100" code="#f8bd19"/> </colorrange> </chart> When my value is lower than the trendpoint, my upperlimit equals the trendpoint example : value = 7, trendpoint = 100, upperlimit = 100 see CAPTURE.PNG After update, my value equal 148. The gauge is updated but the dial is not moving. see CAPTURE1.PNG Can you explain me why ? when the value is lower than the upper limit, the dial work well and move.
  3. Hello, fusioncharts is great: i'm building great value in few days of work. I have a question for you great guys: it is possible (like in the title) to update in realtime even the colors of the background of the gauge (or the font color, or other parameters...?) the method that i'm using is the following, i added valueFontColor as example: jQuery.getJSON("stream.json", function(ajaxresult) { FusionCharts("p1sms").feedData("&value=" + ajaxresult.psms1 ); FusionCharts("p1sms").feedData("&valueFontColor=" + ajaxresult.csms1 ); FusionCharts("p2sms").feedData("&value=" + ajaxresult.psms2 ); FusionCharts("p1mol").feedData("&value=" + ajaxresult.pmol1 ); FusionCharts("p1buf").feedData("&value=" + ajaxresult.pbuf1 ); Thank you so much
  4. Hello, I have a RealtimeStackedColumn chart, which I am just feeing random values to every second. Every second when the chart updates, a new column is added (see picture). What I would like instead is to have a fixed amount of columns (one for each day of the week) and then update the existing columns, depending on the data. The code in my DataSource (I am using C#) is: Response.Write ("&label=" + label+ "&value=" + randomValueCr1 + "|" +randomValueCr4 + "|" + randomValueCr5);
  5. Please could you create a Realtime Scatter Chart or a Realtime Timeline chart. I would like a chart like the Realtime Line Chart but one that I can add datapoints which have a value and a timestamp and have them plotted with an appropriate x-axis scale. I presume this is not currently possible with any of the existing charts. Thanks, N