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Everything posted by hadrien.reiner

  1. labelPos CENTER issue

    If I use "CENTER" on a label position of a marker, the label of the marker will be behind the marker making this completely unusable. The issue is easy to spot based on this : FusionCharts.ready(function () { var topStates = new FusionCharts({ "type": "usa", "renderAt": "chart-container", "width": "600", "height": "400", "dataFormat": "json", "dataSource": { "chart": { "theme": "fint", "useHoverColor": "0", "useValuesForMarkers": "1", "showMarkerLabels": "1", "showLabels":"0" }, "markers": { "items": [ { "shapeid": "circle", "id": "TX", "x": "333", "y": "304", "label": "Texas", //Values of marker that make it data enabled "value": "97344000", "radius": 25, "labelPos" : "CENTER", "tooltext": "Rank #1, $label, Revenue : $dataValue" } ] } } }).render(); }); Did I miss something ?