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Everything posted by PatricioGarrido_Chile

  1. export xls in utf8

    Hi, I need export data in utf8 in xls. need export: médicas ( whit tildes) and the export is: Médicas How to change this? thanks. I from chile...
  2. Positioning Back Or Export Buttons In Drill Down Charts

    Gracias, recién leo tu comentario. Muchas gracias! actualizaré.
  3. Positioning Back Or Export Buttons In Drill Down Charts

    hi, it's my first post, i from chile and my english it´s not very good. my coment is: this chang not working in my charts. my code is: @version 3.11.0 "chart": { "caption": "ATENCIONES MÉDICAS 2012", "subcaption": "Atenciónes: Primarias, Especialidad y Urgencias", "yAxisName": "Cantidad de Atenciones Médicas", "numberPrefix": "", "rotatevalues": "1", "numbersuffix": "", "yAxisMaxValue": "1320000", "formatNumberScale": "0", "decimalSeparator": ",", "thousandSeparator": ".", "exportEnabled": "1", "toolbarHalign": "left", "plotToolText": "<div>At. Médicas : <b>$datavalue</b></div>", "theme": "ocean" }, help me pliss.