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Found 5 results

  1. There is an inconsistency between the plot borders on a bar2d and column2d chart which has become apparent with the 3.18.0 release. With a column2d chart the bottom border of each column didn't exist because there was a x-axis With a bar2d chart the left border of each bar is present, even if there is a y-axis This also doesn't occur with a stacked 2d bar chart., This jsFiddle demonstrates the issue. The column chart is fine, the bar chart is not.
  2. I have 2 bar graphs, one standard column, and one horizontal stacked. Each of these graphs have a border at the start and end of the data. (i.e. on top and bottom for column graph, and on left and right for stacked). I have used many options for disabling these borders but none have succeeded. I have traced this down to an element with the following class name: "axisReferenceVisualsBottom". Are there any options to remove the lines created by axisReferenceVisualsBottom? Stacked (left and right borders): Column (top and bottom): Configuration: chart: { animation: 0, bgColor: '#ffffff', canvasBgColor: '#ffffff', showAlternateHGridColor: 0, showAlternateVGridColor: 0, maxLabelWidthPercent: '20', showPlotBorder: 0, usePlotGradientColor: 0, showBorder: 0, showCanvasBorder: 0, showTooltipforWrappedLabels: 1, showValues: 0, useEllipsesWhenOverflow: 1, showLegend: 0, showZeroPlane: 0, showVZeroPlane: 0, showLabels: 0, showDivLineValues: 0, showLimits: 0, showSecondaryLimits: 0, lineAlpha: 0, canvasLineAlpha: 0, borderAlpha: 0, canvasBorderAlpha: 0, xAxisLineColor: '#ffffff', yAxisLineColor: '#ffffff', yAxisValueBgColor: '#ffffff', yAxisValueBgAlpha: 0, xAxisValueBgColor: '#ffffff', xAxisValueBgAlpha: 0, showYAxisValues: 0, showXAxisValues: 0, showXAxisLine: 0, showYAxisLine: 0, showAnchors: 0, numDivLines: 0, showDivLineSecondaryValue: 0, }
  3. Hi, One of our user saw the Below image. Instead of the graph, he saw something like The website uses cookies page. Please let us know, what went wrong. Thanks, Veeramanikandan
  4. Column2d graph values are overlapping

    Hi, I'm getting value overlapping issue in Column2d graph. I've used your example only just to cross-check how it's working. From this link, I've edited the Jan value from 420000 to 980000, and added the attribute "showValues": "1". You can see the value $980k is overlapping above the graph column. Is there any option to avoid this issue.? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi I have given the following chart properties for Column2D chart, in this numVDivLines given 11 , but i am not getinng the vertical div line , what is wrong on this code , how to fix this. Find the attached image of the output chart <chart plotGradientColor="" showPlotBorder ="0" numVDivLines="11" animation="0" divLineAlpha="0" caption="" showValues="0" decimals="0" formatNumberScale="0" vDivLineIsDashed="1" vDivLineDashLen="10" numberPrefix="$" vDivLineDashGap="2" vDivLineColor="000000" vDivLineAlpha="80" showAlternateHGridColor="0" showFCMenuItem="0" showYAxisValues="0" showBorder="0" canvasBorderAlpha="10" toolTipBgColor="854019">\n\ Thanks