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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, One of our user saw the Below image. Instead of the graph, he saw something like The website uses cookies page. Please let us know, what went wrong. Thanks, Veeramanikandan
  2. Hi, Sliced piece of doughnut graph is overlapping other values. You can see expanded Equity slice is overlapping on the Alternative Strategies. Could you please provide any solution for this.? Attached the image. Thanks in advance.
  3. Column2d graph values are overlapping

    Hi, I'm getting value overlapping issue in Column2d graph. I've used your example only just to cross-check how it's working. From this link, I've edited the Jan value from 420000 to 980000, and added the attribute "showValues": "1". You can see the value $980k is overlapping above the graph column. Is there any option to avoid this issue.? Thanks in advance.
  4. Stacked area graph circles/anchors cropped

    Hi, We're using stacked area 2d graph in our project. When there is enough data where the graph occupies full height which we've given, circles/anchors which we're using going beyond the screen or it's getting cropped. Please let us know the solution. Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm trying to log the dataPlotClick event for stacked area 2d chart. But in iOS, the event is not triggering for any events. I've not tried yet in Android. But I've to make it work for both Platforms. Any help will be appreciated. my Code this.state = { type: 'column2d', width: '99%', height: '95%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: undefined, containerBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', calendarReturnsData: undefined, dataEmptyMessage: 'Insufficient data available', baseChartMessageFontSize: '16', baseChartMessageColor: '#454545', detailsBtnStateHolder: true, events: { dataplotclick: (e, a) => { Alert.alert(`You clicked on ${}`); } } }; In render method, I'm destructuring all the variables and assigning it to Fushion Chart. <FusionCharts type={type} width={width} height={height} dataFormat={dataFormat} dataSource={dataSource} containerBackgroundColor={containerBackgroundColor} dataEmptyMessage={dataEmptyMessage} baseChartMessageFontSize={baseChartMessageFontSize} baseChartMessageColor={baseChartMessageColor} events={events} libraryPath={ Platform.OS === 'ios' ? fusionChartiOSPath : fusionChartAndroidPath } />
  6. I am doing react native application. In that, I am trying to showing bar chart. So, I am using Fusion Chart, It is mandatory to use this library in my application. So, I followed this library installation and it was successful. But, Data is not showing at all. I have added annotations according to get my design. But, No data to display showing in screen even data is there. export default class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { type: 'bar2d', width: '100%', height: '100%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { chart: { captionFontSize: '16', subcaptionFontSize: '14', showAlternatevGridColor: '0', numDivLines: '0', valueFontColor: '#ffffff', yAxisMinValue: '0', yAxisMaxValue: '100', showYAxisValues: '0', // "canvasBorderColor" : "#b3ffb3", canvasBgColor: '#ffffff,#e6eeff', canvasTopMargin: '100', paletteColors: '#990000', usePlotGradientColor: '1', plotGradientColor: '#ff8080', divLineAlpha: '0', plotSpacePercent: '60', useDataPlotColorForLabels: '1', showPercentInTooltip: '0', showLegend: '1', showLabels: '0', showValues: '0', placeValuesInside: '1', showBorder: '0' }, data: [ { label: 'Travel & Leisure', value: '41' }, { label: 'Advertising/Marketing/PR', value: '39' }, { label: 'Other', value: '38' }, { label: 'Real Estate', value: '32' }, ], annotations: { showBelow: '0', autoScale: '1', groups: [{ id: 'user-images', items: [{ id: 'dyn-label-bg', color: '#000000', align: 'left', type: 'text', text: 'Best when calm', x: '$canvasStartX+0', y: '$dataset.0.set.0.ENDY-0' }, { id: 'dyn-label-bg', color: '#000000', align: 'left', type: 'text', text: 'Very Relaxed', x: '$canvasStartX+00', y: '$dataset.0.set.1.ENDY-0' }, { id: 'dyn-label-bg', color: '#000000', align: 'left', type: 'text', text: 'Mellow', x: '$canvasStartX+00', y: '$dataset.0.set.2.ENDY-0' }, { id: 'dyn-label-bg', color: '#000000', align: 'left', type: 'text', text: 'Out of Control', x: '$canvasStartX+00', y: '$dataset.0.set.3.ENDY-0' }] }] } } }; this.libraryPath ={ // Specify fusioncharts.html file location ios: require('./assets/fusioncharts.html'), //android: { uri: 'file:///android_asset/fusioncharts.html' }, }); } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Text style={styles.heading}> FusionCharts Integration with React Native </Text> <View style={styles.chartContainer}> <FusionCharts type={this.state.type} width={this.state.width} height={this.state.height} dataFormat={this.state.dataFormat} dataSource={this.state.dataSource} libraryPath={this.libraryPath} // set the libraryPath property /> </View> </View> ); } } Here is the link which I created in stackoverflow query. I got stuck due to this issue from 2 days, Can anyone help me to fix this. Its urgent work. Thanks
  7. Hello! Is there example for using fusioncharts in React Native? Regards, Ardi