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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I'm trying to render more than one chart to my page, and whenever I do that, I'm facing a problem where only the first chart is fully interactive, namely hover and tooltip, work properly. But the next charts don't display hover and tooltip at all. Do you have any idea what might cause it? I use jquery to achieve that. Also, I get data from google sheets, so the charts will be updated whenever I change the numbers. HTML: <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="all-container" class = "container"></div> <div id="total-container" class = "container"></div> </body> CSS: .container { height: 500px } jQuery: // Charts // Allocation chart var spreadsheetId = "1IOF09DwPm8ifD5pLlmhHVnNC2F4PJvS3CjEpNo3T3A8", url = "" + spreadsheetId + "/od6/public/basic?alt=json"; $.get({ url: url, success: function(response) { var data = response.feed.entry, len = data.length, i = 0, parsedData = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { parsedData.push({ label: data[i].title.$t, value: data[i].content.$t.replace('income: ', ''), }); } new FusionCharts({ type: 'Pie2D', renderAt: 'all-container', width: '100%', height: '100%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "baseFontSize": "13", "caption": "Funds allocation", "subCaption": "", "numberPrefix": "€", "captionPadding": "50", "chartTopMargin": "", "legendIconScale": "2", "chartBottomMargin": "", "showBorder": "0", "decimals": "1", "theme": "fusion", "showLegend": "1", "use3DLighting": "0", "palettecolors": "#4a3e9b, #ab3494, #ea3973, #ff6946, #ffa600", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "legendBorderColor": "#ffffff", "legendShadow": "0", "chartTopMargin": "30", "chartBottomMargin": "30" }, "data": parsedData } }).render(); } }); // Total chart var spreadsheetIdd = "1QvCi5LJRBZr3pq4xXZArhaCSVmTpL9We0xBRXnCuRpk", urll = "" + spreadsheetIdd + "/1/public/basic?alt=json"; $.get({ url: urll, success: function(response) { var data = response.feed.entry, len = data.length, i = 0, parsedData = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { parsedData.push({ label: data[i].title.$t, value: data[i].content.$t.replace('balance: ', ''), }); } new FusionCharts({ type: 'area2d', renderAt: 'total-container', width: '80%', height: '100%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Total Portfolio Value", "baseFontSize": "13", "formatNumberScale": "0", "subCaption": "Since inception", "xAxisName": "Date", "yAxisName": "Value (In EUR)", "numberPrefix": "€", "showValues": "1", "theme": "fusion", "showHoverEffect": "1", "decimals": "3", "anchorHoverEffect": "1", "showToolTip": "1", "baseChartMessageFont":"", "palettecolors": "#57886c", }, "data": parsedData } }).render(); } });
  2. Hello, I'm trying to get my barchart to display a hover value on a label that isn't the label. So for example I would want this to show up when I hover on the $1.95M instead of the bar:
  3. Hi, I am new to fusion chart. I am using waterfall chart for data representation. Here I am trying to disable hover property of chart. I mean -"If the mouse pointer is on some column in the chart it should not hover". I am using following setting- chart : { ................ ....... "showHoverEffect" : "0", "plotHoverEffect" : "0" } But it does not disable hovering property. Please help!
  4. Hi! I have a map with countries. When I hover over any country area it changes color. If markers are defined on map(for example in shape of circle) and I try to hover over those markers, country area is not changing color(it only changes color when I hover over contries area and not markers inside that area). Is there a solution for this problem or it's not possible for contries to change color when you hover over both(markers and contry areas)? I have searched all over internet on how to solve this but nothing similar was found. Thanks
  5. hover multiple entities

    I have a custom map with about 800 entities that is planned to be used as a seating map where people can pick seats. Selecting one and one seat work, but the challenges is if someone is booking multiple seats (which should be done in one click), how can I make the hover color to also cover the two nearest entities as well? Ketil