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Found 6 results

  1. Between version change 3.9 -> 3.12.1 when enabling/disabling a series from the legend panel. The series used to simply hide, without adapting and recentering of the visible series, is there a config to keep that behavior in the new version?
  2. Hi there, I love the product, but I've run into a configuration issue that I'm not sure there's a solution for. Currently, when I set up a multiseries chart each dataset is plotted as soon as the chart is loaded. You can then click on the label to check or uncheck a particular data series, which removes it from the chart. I'm trying to set up a chart that has a TON of datasets (think 50ish), and would like to either default it so that only one is displayed on chart load, with the user having the option to add others when they want. Alternatively, is there a "check all" or "uncheck all" option? If all of them get loaded at the same time it would be nice if to clear them all out at once, rather than having to click on each individually. If anyone has any advice on this I'd love to hear it! Thanks
  3. Hello to Forum, I am new one with combining Charts with FusionChart XT. I have created some normal charts with Pie,Column,Line but i have some difficulties with MultiSeries Line Chart and would be appreciate if you can help me please. In the text below i will provide you my php code: <?php //We have included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php and ../Includes/DBConn.php, which contains //functions to help us easily embed the charts and connect to a database. include("FusionCharts.php"); #include("../Includes/DBConn.php"); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>FusionCharts XT - Database Example</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <?php //In this example, we show how to connect FusionCharts to a database. //For the sake of ease, we have used an MySQL databases containing two //tables. // Connect to the DB mysql_connect('localhost','root','google'); mysql_select_db('Difference_Output'); // SQL query for category labels $strQueryCategories ="SELECT DISTINCT `CHANNEL_ID` FROM `DIFFERENTS` WHERE `SECONDS_ID2`>0 AND `SECONDS_ID1`>0 ORDER BY `CHANNEL_ID`"; // Query database $resultCategories = mysql_query($strQueryCategories) or die(mysql_error()); // SQL query for factory output data $strQueryData = "SELECT `SECONDS_ID2`, `SECONDS_ID1`, `CHANNEL_ID` FROM `DIFFERENTS` WHERE `SECONDS_ID2`>0 AND `SECONDS_ID1`>0 ORDER BY `SECONDS_ID2`,`SECONDS_ID1`"; // Query database $resultData = mysql_query($strQueryData) or die(mysql_error()); //We also keep a flag to specify whether we have to animate the chart or not. //If the user is viewing the detailed chart and comes back to this page, he shouldn't //see the animation again. //$strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated //Generate the chart element $strXML = "<chart legendPosition='' caption='Records Output report' subCaption='By Seconds' xAxisName='Factory' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='1' animation='1'>"; // Build category XML $strXML .= buildCategories ($resultCategories, "CHANNEL_ID"); // Build datasets XML $strXML .= buildDatasets ( $resultData, "SECONDS_ID2", "SECONDS_ID1"); //Finally, close <chart> element $strXML .= "</chart>"; //Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from strXML echo renderChart("MSLine.swf", "", $strXML, "FactorySum", 1000, 700, false, true); // Free database resource # mysql_free_result($resultCategories); # mysql_free_result($resultData); # mysql_close($link); /*********************************************************************************************** * Function to build XML for categories * @param $result Database resource * @param $labelField Field name as String that contains value for chart category labels * * @return categories XML node */ function buildCategories ( $result, $labelField ) { $strXML = ""; if ($result) { $strXML = "<categories>"; while($ors = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $strXML .= "<category label='" . $ors[$labelField]. "'/>"; } $strXML .= "</categories>"; } return $strXML; } /*********************************************************************************************** * Function to build XML for datasets that will contain chart data * @param $result Database resource. The data should come ordered by a control break field which will require to identify datasets and set its value to dataset's series name * @param $valueField Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots * @param $controlBreak Field name as String that contains value for chart dataplots * * @return Dataset XML node */ function buildDatasets ($result, $valueField, $controlBreak ) { $strXML = ""; if ($result) { $controlBreakValue =""; while( $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { if( $controlBreakValue != $ors[$controlBreak] ) { $controlBreakValue = $ors[$controlBreak]; $strXML .= ( $strXML =="" ? "" : "</dataset>") . ( "<dataset seriesName='" . $controlBreakValue . "'>" ) ; } $strXML .= "<set value='" . $ors[$valueField] . "'/>"; } $strXML .= "</dataset>"; } return $strXML; } ?> </BODY> </HTML> The cart is running fine but is giving me all of the values, the thing that i need is 2 lines with dots.The CHANNEL_ID i want to be in X axis value and SECONDS1 and SECONDS2 IN Y values. For every other Details i can provide you my help. Thanks
  4. Hello, I'm trying to create a chart showing two series lines. The first would be the Planned Costs (vs. Date) and the second series is the Actual Costs (vs. Date). The problem is that there are large date gaps between data points and I have dates where I don't have values for both series. If a "Actual" cost is between two "Planned" costs, the line is broken for both series. Is there a reason that the lines are not continuous? Is there a way that I can get the lines to not be broken? I've tried grouping the date data by day, but this did not solve my issue. Also, without date grouping, the X-axis does not represent correct spacing for date data. The gaps are always uniform in the data. is there a way to set the x-axis to a date range and have it scale correctly? This didn't seem to work with an X-Y chart either. This seems like it should be a fairly simple problem for this type of program. I've attached example data and a screenshot of the chart that is created. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best regards. Example Data: Broken Line Chart:
  5. Multiseries Spark Chart

    Hello, I am using fusionchart 3.3.1-sr2.19840. I want to know , How to build Multiseries spark Line Chart? Please provide json for that. Thanks, Sagar
  6. My scenario: I want a multi-series column chart to display data from a database. The y trend line is going to represent some average number throughout the chart. What I want to do is test to see if each column is above/below this average and change the color accordingly (i.e. if the column is below the average it would be red alerting the observer, otherwise it would be green). This seems doable, however I also want to show the two different column possibilities in the legend (red columns = 'Below Average', green columns = 'Above Average'). Essentially, because it is coming from a database and I don't know the values at compile-time, the chart could render columns in varying colors (i.e. red green red green...). From what I have read, it seems the datasets and their values are going to match up with each label in the order they are written to the xml data. This is where I'm stuck, because some data may be written to one dataset while the next time around I need to write it to another (if I used two separate datasets). Is there a way to close a dataset and append data to it later? How do I solve this? Thanks, pickle