I have a problema with my DragNode Chart. I have to remove an node, from the dataset and from the chart visualy.
I just try clone de object returned by .setJSONDATA(), later i try remove the index and later i try update de JSON using .setJSONDATA.
This code is called into a FC_ChartUpdated.
Look an example for this code:
function FC_ChartUpdated(chartId, dataIndex, datasetIndex){
if(remove){ //seted for other function
chartJSONData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, FusionCharts(chartId).getJSONData());
This works fine if i NOT DRAG any node before this i want remove. Exemple:
If i drag the node 'A1', and remove this node. The chart works fine.
But, if i drag the node 'A2', and later i drag the node 'A1' and try remove him, the chart rendered the node 'A2' (and the others) for the wrong coordinate X and Y.
Exists an method of remove only one node per time?
Thank you