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Found 8 results

  1. I am new to FusionCharts, and am using the trial version download to evaluate the product for our company. I have followed the online instructions for download and installations found at: However, I have run into load issues using the pre-made examples found within the trial download. The file suggested using the file in integration\\ fusioncharts-wrapper-source but looking at it in Visual Studio it looks to be in C#, not VB, and is throwing errors whenever it is in the App_code folder. So I tried the OR option using the .dll file. The example angular gauge (fusioncharts-suite-xt\integrations\\samples\Pages\AngularGauge) renders fine in Firefox and Chrome, however it will not render in IE, instead I get a "Chart…" placeholder. Debugging in IE shows a SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number with the code being: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head><link href="../Styles/SampleStyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" /><title> FusionCharts | Angular Gauge </title></head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <form method="post" action="./AngularGauge.aspx" id="form1"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="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" /> </div> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" value="5DAE1B81" /> </div> <h3>Angular Gauge</h3> <div> <!-- Using ASP.NET FusionCharts Wrapper and JavaScript rendering --><!-- START Script Block for Chart gauge --> <div id='gauge_div' > Chart... </div> <script type="text/javascript"> FusionCharts && FusionCharts.ready(function () { if (FusionCharts("gauge") ) FusionCharts("gauge").dispose(); var chart_gauge = new FusionCharts({ "width" : "400", "height" : "400", "id" : "gauge", "type" : "angulargauge", "dataSource" : {'chart': {'caption': 'Nordstorm\'s Customer Satisfaction Score for 2017','lowerLimit': '0','upperLimit': '100','showValue': '1','numberSuffix': '%','theme': 'fusion','showToolTip': '0'},'colorRange': {'color': [{'minValue': '0','maxValue': '50','code': '#F2726F'}, {'minValue': '50','maxValue': '75','code': '#FFC533'}, {'minValue': '75','maxValue': '100','code': '#62B58F'}]},'dials': {'dial': [{'value': '81'}]}}, "dataFormat" : "json", "renderAt" : "gauge_div", }).render(); }); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart gauge --> </div> <div><span><a id="hyperlink1" href="../Default.aspx">Go Back</a></span></div> </form> </body> </html> Any advice on the best course of action would be great. I apologize if this is a simple issue, but google was not a great help on this. Thanks in advance!
  2. Im using ajax to get the json data and render the charts. In crome , it works perfectly fine.But the same is working very slowly in IE11. The charts are rendered few seconds late when compared to crome. Please let me know how to solve this problem.
  3. Hi all, Recently I've encountered a problem with zoom scatter chart and IE. I noticed that the same problem persists on fusioncharts official web site. Every time when I go over the bubble (data plot) with my mouse pointer an error occurs. The error text is: Object doesn't support this action If you open this link - in IE you should see this error in the console when you go over the bubble with your mouse pointer. See attached image (IE version). Any ideas?
  4. Hey there! Im using fusionCharts to show some information of my database. But when I try to generate ASP.NET chart (RenderChartHTML) in IE, my title (caption) and subtitled (SubCaption) are being presented with "..." at the end, without displaying the full sentence. But when I generate in Google Chrome, everything is OK. I need to generate these graphics in IE, I can not use another browser. This is FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML method: public static string RenderChartHTML(string chartSWF, string strURL, string strXML, string chartId, string chartWidth, string chartHeight, bool debugMode) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); string str = string.Empty; if (strXML.Length == 0) { str = string.Format("&chartWidth={0}&chartHeight={1}&debugMode={2}&dataURL={3}", new object[] { chartWidth, chartHeight, boolToNum(debugMode), strURL }); } else { str = string.Format("&chartWidth={0}&chartHeight={1}&debugMode={2}&dataXML={3}", new object[] { chartWidth, chartHeight, boolToNum(debugMode), strXML }); } builder.AppendFormat("<!-- START Code Block for Chart {0} -->" + Environment.NewLine, chartId); builder.AppendFormat("<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\"width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" name=\"{2}\">" + Environment.NewLine, chartWidth, chartHeight, chartId); builder.Append("<param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\" />" + Environment.NewLine); builder.AppendFormat("<param name=\"movie\" value=\"{0}\"/>" + Environment.NewLine, chartSWF); builder.AppendFormat("<param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"{0}\" />" + Environment.NewLine, str); builder.Append("<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />" + Environment.NewLine); builder.Append("<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />" + Environment.NewLine); builder.AppendFormat("<embed src=\"{0}\" FlashVars=\"{1}\" quality=\"high\" width=\"{2}\" height=\"{3}\" name=\"{4}\" allowScriptAccess=\"always\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"\"/>" + Environment.NewLine, new object[] { chartSWF, str, chartWidth, chartHeight, chartId }); builder.Append("</object>" + Environment.NewLine); builder.AppendFormat("<!-- END Code Block for Chart {0} -->" + Environment.NewLine, chartId); return builder.ToString(); } } The chart image is attached. Anyway, thanks.
  5. I get the Loading chart .. Please Wait ... error only in my IE 10 alone.. In my Chrome, its working fine. Even when i share the link with others, its working perfectly in their IE 10. But its not working in my IE 10.. I tried changing all the settings which i know.. Can i anyone please help me on this..
  6. Hi.. I am using fusion chart server side export. I have done it as explained in this tutorial. It is working on IE8,IE9,IE10, Chrome and Mozilla. BUT it has problem with IE11. I have checked by debugging and found that I am getting objRtn.statusCode 0 after chart export in FC_Exported function. Is that IE11 issue and if yes what is the solution ? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. Attached Files chart-xml.txt
  8. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. chart-xml.txt