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Found 2 results

  1. in Multi series chats index data is missing always {chart: {…}, categories: Array(1), dataset: Array(2)} categories: Array(1) 0: category: Array(12) 0: {color: '#e6194B', label: 'December 2021'} 1: {color: '#f58231', label: 'November 2021'} 2: {color: '#ffe119', label: 'October 2021'} 3: {color: '#bfef45', label: 'September 2021'} 4: {color: '#3cb44b', label: 'August 2021'} 5: {color: '#42d4f4', label: 'July 2021'} 6: {color: '#4363d8', label: 'June 2021'} 7: {color: '#911eb4', label: 'May 2021'} 8: {color: '#f032e6', label: 'April 2021'} 9: {color: '#a9a9a9', label: 'March 2021'} 10: {color: '#fabebe', label: 'February 2021'} 11: {color: '#ffd8b1', label: 'January 2021'} chart: animation: "1" baseFont: "Segoe UI, Tahoma, sans-serif" baseFontColor: "#8e1e59" borderColor: "#e8e8e8" caption: "Issued Violation vs. Settled Violation" captionFontBold: "1" centerlabel: "$label: $value" dataEmptyMessage: "Issued Violation vs. Settled Violation" decimals: "1" enableSmartLabels: "1" exportEnabled: "1" exportShowMenuItem: "0" labelDisplay: "Auto" plotHighlightEffect: "fadeout" showBorder: "0" showLegend: "1" showPercentInTooltip: "1" showPercentValues: "0" showValues: "1" showlabels: "1" showpercentvalues: "1" subcaption: "monthly spread of issued Violation vs. settled Violation" theme: "vts" yaxisname: "count" dataset: Array(2) 0: color: "#e6194B" data: Array(12) 0: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 1: {color: '#e6194B', value: '80'} 2: {color: '#e6194B', value: '4'} 3: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 4: {color: '#e6194B', value: '6'} 5: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 6: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 7: {color: '#e6194B', value: '1'} 8: {color: '#e6194B', value: '14'} 9: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 10: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} 11: {color: '#e6194B', value: 0} seriesname: "Issued" 1: color: "#bfef45" data: Array(12) 0: {color: '#bfef45', value: '1'} 1: {color: '#bfef45', value: '80'} 2: {color: '#bfef45', value: '4'} 3: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 4: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 5: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 6: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 7: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 8: {color: '#bfef45', value: '14'} 9: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 10: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} 11: {color: '#bfef45', value: 0} seriesname: "Settled"
  2. mscolumn2d -

    I am trying to create a multi-series column chart in our application. The error I am getting is - "Cannot read property 'category' of undefined" I tried to recreate the issue in jsfiddle ( before creating a topic here, but I get a different error there - "FusionCharts is not defined". I am comparing mine with your jsfiddle here -, but can't see what is wrong. I have included the required references. Could you please take a look at the jsfiddle error?