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I create the following 2D Pie Chart I'm looking to do the following, but none of the formating options are responding. 1. The Green is Severity "5" and the Blue is Severity "4". Can I change the color so that if Severity 4, color = orange, Severity 5 = Red 2. Can I move the value into the pie chart? valuePosition='Inside' doesn't seem to work. <chart theme="asi" caption='${w.caption!}' animation='0' bgAlpha='100' enableSmartLabels='1' manageLabelOverflow='1' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='0' showBorder='0' ShowZeroPies='1' showPercentValues='0' usedataplotcolorforlabels="0" decimals='0' pieRadius='75' startingAngle='90' valuePosition='Inside' > <#-- FusionCharts data format: (values should sum to 100 for a percentage pie chart) <set label='XXXX' value='12' /> <set label='YYYY' value='22' /> ... --> <#assign path = '/response/content/projection' /> <#if (x[path][0])??> <#list x[path] as r> <set label="${r.severity[0]!}" value="${r.count[0]!}" /> </#list> <#else> <set label="" value="0" /> <#-- Show an empty chart if there is no data --> </#if> </chart>