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wgpubs Mvc App ... Charts Not Rendering In Ie Over Https / Ssl

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I'm at my wits end with this charting library and Internet Explorer!


I'm not getting any exception messages but the charts are not rendered in IE over HTTPS / SSL.


Here is the Javascript I'm using to build and render the charts out to a DIV



var divisionId = $('#dashboard_inputs_division').val();

var fiscalDateId = $('#dashboard_inputs_fy').val();


var bc = new FusionCharts( '<%= ResolveUrl("~") %>content/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf', "budget_chart", "425", "300", "0", "1" );

bc.setJSONUrl(reportsUrl + '/BudgetSummary?divisionId=' + divisionId + '&fiscalDateId=' + fiscalDateId);






All looks fine in Chrome, Safari and FF.


Please help ... been spending hours on this nonsense.


Thanks -wg

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Guest Angshu


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Loading XML/JSON files in Flash over an SSL Connection in Internet Explorer fails if the Pragma:no-cache or Cache-control:no-cache HTTP headers are set on the server header. You would need to remove any such settings from your server configuration.


More details at: http://www.fusioncha.../docs/?SSL.html


Hope this

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Looking at the headers ...


1. I don't see Pragma being set at all.


2. Cache-control is:



private, s-maxage=0



Are any of these problematic?




Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Loading XML/JSON files in Flash over an SSL Connection in Internet Explorer fails if the Pragma:no-cache or Cache-control:no-cache HTTP headers are set on the server header. You would need to remove any such settings from your server configuration.


More details at: http://www.fusioncha.../docs/?SSL.html


Hope this

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This flash chart in IE is an epic fail ... as has the advice been for myself and others who have PURCHASED this product. The documentation sucks ... the forum sucks ... and I'll be advising everyone to stay away from fusioncharts in the future.


This is the kind of 3rd party product that will make developers want to mow lawns for a living!

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Hi Wg,


We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.


Could you please change Cache-Control:private, s-maxage=0 to Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate from IIS setting and check?


Please refer to the attached image which points where to make changes.



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I don't see anything in that image that points to any changes I need to make. Also, I'm using IIS 7

Hi Wg,


We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.


Could you please change Cache-Control:private, s-maxage=0 to Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate from IIS setting and check?


Please refer to the attached image which points where to make changes.


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Hi Wg,


I am afraid, we don't have any image for IIS 7, but to change the HTTP headers setting, please select the Web Site in IIS 7 and in IIS group you'll find "HTTP Response Headers" option, double click it to open this option and modify Headers accordingly.

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That is my point ... what do I need to modify "accordingly"? I don't understand why every answer is so cryptic? You send me a screenshot that simply shows the properties dialog for IIS and you say modify things so it looks like it ... BUT it shows nothing to modify. I ask you what needs to be modified and you say to just "modify Headers accordingly." Can someone just give me and everyone out there in simple English a step-by-step procedure on how to set up IIS properly????


No wonder there is so much confusion on this topic!



Hi Wg,


I am afraid, we don't have any image for IIS 7, but to change the HTTP headers setting, please select the Web Site in IIS 7 and in IIS group you'll find "HTTP Response Headers" option, double click it to open this option and modify Headers accordingly.

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jqPlot FTW!


For anyone reading this thread please learn from my pain and RUN. Got everything up and running with jqPlot ... avoids flash and works beautifully over HTTP, HTTPS and in all major browsers.



That is my point ... what do I need to modify "accordingly"? I don't understand why every answer is so cryptic? You send me a screenshot that simply shows the properties dialog for IIS and you say modify things so it looks like it ... BUT it shows nothing to modify. I ask you what needs to be modified and you say to just "modify Headers accordingly." Can someone just give me and everyone out there in simple English a step-by-step procedure on how to set up IIS properly????


No wonder there is so much confusion on this topic!




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