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How To Format Yaxis

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I want to set calibration of y axis as 10 => 10.00 ,10.1 => 10.10. I have read the user guide over and over again, but cannot find any attributes can help.

Is it possible to complete this job? Can anyone help, thank you very much.


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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.

All the charts in FusionCharts v3 support the attribute decimals. This single attribute lets you control the decimal precision of all the numbers on the chart. Using this attribute, you can globally set the number of decimal places of ALL numbers of the chart.


More details at: http://www.fusioncha...ber_Basics.html


Hope this

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Thanks for your replay.

When i set decimals='2', the value display in tooltip have been tow decimals.But the display calibrations of yaixs are still 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, which I mean to be 0.00, 5.00, 10.00, 15.00, 20.00.

waiting for your answer,thanks again.

The data xml is


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<chart rotateYAxisName="0" divLineDashGap="2" yAxisValueDecimals="3" rotateYAxisName='0' showValues="0" showLegend="1" drawAnchors="1" plotBorderColor="ffffff" baseFontSize="12" lineThickness="1" labelStep="6" showLabels="1" showPercentInToolTip="0" legendBgColor="ffffff" alternateHGridColor="ffffff" forceDecimals="1" showPlotBorder="0" outCnvBaseFontColor="202020" sortingAxis="Y" legendBorderAlpha="0" decimals="2" divLineIsDashed="1" showYAxisValues="1" divLineDashLen="2" toolTipSepCharText=";" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" divLineColor="3366ff" showPercentInDisplayValue="0" toolTipBgColor="acdefe" toolTipBorderColor="ffffff" showPercentAfter="0" canvasBorderThickness="1" labelDisplay="wrap" chartRightMargin="35" anchorRadius="2" processYAxisValue="0" canvasBgColor="ffffff,ffffff" nullShow="1" onlyDataValueInToolTip="0" canvasBgAlpha="60,60" numVDivLines="0" bgColor="ffffff,ffffff" isSpline="1" canvasBorderAlpha="40" bgAlpha="60,60" canvasBgAngle="135" numDivLines="3" chartLeftMargin="15" showAlternateHGridColor="1" bgAngle="135" slantLabels="0" legendShadow="0" formatNumberScale="0" showPercent="0" percentValueType="NN" baseFontColor="003975" adjustDiv="0" showBorder="0" chartTopMargin="10" chartBottomMargin="5" captionPadding="10" xAxisNamePadding="2" yAxisNamePadding="2" showfcmenuitem="0" toolTipSepChar="

" yAxisMaxValue="20.0000000000" yAxisMinValue="0E-10" imageSaveURL="D" plotSpacePercent="30"><categories><category label="O/N"/><category label="7D"/><category label="14D"/><category label="21D"/><category label="1M"/><category label="2M"/><category label="3M"/><category label="4M"/><category label="5M"/><category label="6M"/><category label="7M"/><category label="8M"/><category label="9M"/><category label="10M"/><category label="11M"/><category label="1Y"/><category label="2Y"/><category label="3Y"/><category label="4Y"/><category label="5Y"/><category label="6Y"/><category label="7Y"/><category label="8Y"/><category label="9Y"/><category label="10Y"/></categories><dataset seriesName="贸易融资" color="0066FF" alpha="100"><set value="16.06738000" /><set value="13.67290000" /><set value="13.15286000"/><set value="8.44691000"/><set value="5.72405000" /><set value="17.58171000" toolText="贸易融资


17.58"/><set value="14.24115000" /><set value="2.35908000" /><set value="12.08044000" /><set value="2.95785000" /><set value="9.36552000" /><set value="16.02771000" /><set value="4.29212000" /><set value="19.76866000" /><set value="1.95867000" /><set value="6.50898000" /><set value="0.69460000"/><set value="2.78389000"/>

<set value="5.88518000"/><set value="16.91396000"/><set value="11.30344000" /><set value="14.08062000"/>

<set value="7.93603000" /><set value="18.90865000"/><set value="0.31250000" /></dataset>

<dataset seriesName="非贸易融资" color="009900" alpha="100"><set value="1.89764000"/><set value="9.44425000"/><set value="2.96700000"/><set value="6.11896000"/><set value="18.58211000"/><set value="2.30903000"/><set value="13.97869000"/><set value="16.78334000"/><set value="14.68184000"/><set value="2.23334000"/><set value="13.14920000"/><set value="0.66774000"/><set value="12.90932000"/><set value="16.29749000"/><set value="10.20355000"/><set value="5.92669000"/><set value="13.12662000"/><set value="6.85018000"/><set value="18.26654000"/><set value="2.23517000"/><set value="4.84389000"/><set value="4.01867000"/><set value="6.35700000" /><set value="13.29325000"/><set value="19.71922000"/></dataset></chart>

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Could you please confirm the chart type(swf) and FusionCharts version you are using?


Awaiting for your reply.

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Thank you for your response.

The chart type is MSSpline , and the version is PowerCharts V3

Awaiting for your replay,thanks.

  On 9/19/2011 at 10:14 AM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your response.


Could you please confirm the chart type(swf) and FusionCharts version you are using?


Awaiting for your reply.

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thanks for your reponse.

The Powercharts v3.2 works fine for this issue, when using same data xml.Maybe my version is too lower to have this effect.

thanks again.

  On 9/20/2011 at 5:13 AM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your response.


Please download the latest js files from: http://www.fusioncha...harts/download/


I am afraid, we are unable to replicate the issue,as the code is working fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.

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