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Tooltipfontcolor Not Working

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Hello FusionCharts,


We're in the process of upgrading from FusionCharts 3.2.1 to 3.2.2, but I noticed this potential problem with 3.2.1. Can you let me know if this is a known bug that is fixed in the new version (if it's a bug at all)? Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.


Here is the XML for the attached snapshot of a chart whose tooltip font color remains white, despite the setting to red (FF0000). I set the tooltip's background to grey so that I could read the text. Can you reproduce this?


<chart showBorder="0" adjustDiv="1" alternateHGridColor="FFFFFF" animation="1" baseFont="" baseFontColor="FFFFFF" baseFontSize="" bgAlpha="0" bgColor="000000" borderColor="FFFFFF" canvasBgAlpha="" canvasBgAngle="" canvasBgColor="" canvasBgRatio="" canvasBorderAlpha="10" canvasBorderThickness="1" canvasPadding="0" Decimals="0" divLineColor="CCCCCC" divLineDecimalPrecision="1" FAKECategoryFormat="" forceDecimals="0" forceSYAxisValueDecimals="0" forceYAxisValueDecimals="0" formatNumberScale="1" labelDisplay="ROTATE" legendPosition="right" limitsDecimalPrecision="1" numberPrefix="$" numberSuffix="" outCnvBaseFont="" outCnvBaseFontSize="" palletteColors="" pFormatNumberScale="" plotFillAlpha="100" plotFillAngle="90" plotGradientColor="" PYAxisName="" rotateLabels="" sDecimals="0" sFormatNumberScale="" showDivLineSecondaryValue="0" showDivLineValues="1" showLegend="0" showLimits="1" showPlotBorder="0" showSecondaryLimits="0" showToolTip="1" showToolTipShadow="1" showValues="0" slantLabels="0" sNumberPrefix="" sNumberSuffix="" SYAxisName="" toolTipBgColor="CCCCCC" toolTipBorderColor="" toolTipFontColor="FF0000" toolTipSepChar="" useEllipsesWhenOverflow="" yAxisValueDecimals="0" chartLeftMargin="3" chartTopMargin="13" chartRightMargin="6" chartBottomMargin="0"><categories font="Arial" fontColor="439EAA"><category label="Print"/><category label="Radio"/><category label="TV-LF"/><category label="TV-SF"/><category label="Web"/></categories><dataset showValues="0" color="" seriesname="Budget" parentYAxis="P" alpha="100" FAKEDisplayFormat=""><set showValues="0" displayValue="$240099" value="240099.0300" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$3851330" value="3851330.0000" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$3385604" value="3385604.0000" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$88000" value="88000.0000" Color=""/></dataset><dataset showValues="0" color="" seriesname="Spend" parentYAxis="P" alpha="100" FAKEDisplayFormat=""><set showValues="0" displayValue="$0" value="0.0000" Color=""/><set showValues="0" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$564278" value="564278.2700" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$1496822" value="1496822.5000" Color=""/><set showValues="0" displayValue="$0" value="0.0000" Color=""/></dataset><trendLines/><ChartTitle chart_title="Budget vs Spend by Media Type"/></chart>





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Hi Emilio,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.

I'm afraid, FusionCharts does not have an attribute "toolTipFontColor". It is not a bug :P , tool tip font color could be attained using styles.


Using "Styles", it would be possible to customize the font properties of the tool tip.


       	<style name='myToolTipFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='FF0000'/>
       	<apply toObject='ToolTip' styles='myToolTipFont' />


By using the above code snippet, the tool tip would be displayed in red color.


For more information on "Tooltip", please refer the following link:


I hope this helps.

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