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Activation Error

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Hi there,




I wonder if you can help me with a problem I have beenhaving recently.




We purchased FusionCharts earlier this yearandwhilst using it has been great, we’ve come across a problem whena site template is created.




The template installs fine, but then when you go to activatethe FusionCharts feature, you get the System.Security.SecurityException: Access denied error, with no relevant source files as in the screen shot here post-22273-0-15469800-1317913631_thumb.png.




The system is SharePoint Foundation 2010 and the charts areworking on the sites without a problem, just not in the template. Thetemplate is being used in the same web application, but in a different sitecollection.




We have tried creating a template with an activated versionof FusionCharts running, but we then get a ‘File Not Found’ error whenapplying the template.




Can you help point us in the right direction?

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Guest Angshu

Hi Steve,

Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif

We have received this query in our support system and we will get back to you ASAP.

Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.

Hope you have a great day!

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