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Bullet graphs - scale limits

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After debate with Pallav it appears that the lowerLimit and upperLimit values are only respected if the value falls within that range.




In order to have proper control over the display of a series of graphs I would like some way to enforce these limits in ALL cases and effectively ignore values that fall below the limit and allow values that are above the upper limit to "fall off the end" of the graph whilst still reporting the correct figure as the value.




Setting the scale for server generated data to cope with all possible values results in unuseable charts. Having scales resize arbitrarily makes it impossible to compare a series of graphs intuitively... Scaling the data to fit within the limits results in inaccurate values being reported...









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Hi Pallav -




If it's off the left (-ve in my case) don't show it at all, if it's off the right (> scale max) show it as max. In both cases report the actual value though.




I know that this is not "ideal" but it's the least worst option in this scenario IMHO!




How do others handle this : I only want to graph the "normal" range of values so multiple values can be easily compared on a dashboard - but what to do with data that falls outside the normal range??




The fact that the data is out of range will be indicated by an alert icon separately...




I suppose hiding the graph is another alternative that I hadn't previously considered...




Thanks for your assistance in PM too!!





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