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Zoomline Y Axis Limits

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Hello, we use the zoomline chart and we are having problems with the y axis limits when using the dynamicAxis feature.

As you can see in the 5series attached file we are printing 5 series. It uses 90 and 50 as the y axis limits, with a distance of more than 15 from the lower point to the lower limit.

In the second file we have only passed the 3 central series. As you can see the limits adjust much better to the graphic.

We would like to know why this happens, cause we would like the limits to be like on this 3 series graph, adjustong as much as posible to the lower and higher points of the series.

Thank you in advance.



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I think that's an issue that has no relation with setdynamicaxes, but with the auto calculation of the limits in relation with the data.

The setAdaptiveYMin attribute is set to 1.

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Guest Angshu



Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.


Could you please send us the relevant XML code to test from our end?


Awaiting for your response.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


Could you please try once by explicitly setting "yaxisMinValue" and "yaxisMaxValue" attribute inside the <chart> element?


Ex: <chart ... yaxisMinValue='50' yaxisMaxValue ='90' ...>


Hope this helps.

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The problem is that if I use yaxisMinValue and yaxisMaxValue then when I zoom in on the graph the y axis doesn't automatically adapt to the zoomed zone (I use dynamicAxis), so the zoom isn't much useful.




Thanks for your post.


Could you please try once by explicitly setting "yaxisMinValue" and "yaxisMaxValue" attribute inside the <chart> element?


Ex: <chart ... yaxisMinValue='50' yaxisMaxValue ='90' ...>


Hope this helps.

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Any idea of what can we do? It is strange, because the adaptiveymin sometimes calculates the ymin values 1 or 2 units bellow the minimum value of the series, and sometimes up to 20 units bellow.

How does Fusioncharts calculate that ymin?

Kind regards.

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Guest Bindhu



Apologies for the delay in response.


Please try upgrading to the latest version and see if it helps.


You may download the trial version from the link below,


However, it is automatically calculated by the charting engine depending on the various parameters such as chart dimension, the data value, etc.,


Hope this helps!

Edited by Bindhu

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