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Memory Leakage W/ Ie 7

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We seem to be having a problem with FusionCharts within IE 7 (don't have the capability of testing on other browsers) regarding memory usage.

We have a page full of charts (roughly 6-8), and whenever the page is navigated away from then back (or a simple refresh) the amount of memory iexplorer.exe uses continues to climb (on occasions above 800mb).

This occurs even with the use of cleaning up all charts with the dispose() method on page exit.


Future pages will contain even more amounts of charts so it's important we can deal with this.

I've seen a few other posts related to memory leaks, so would just like to know has any progress been made regarding this issue.



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Guest Sumedh

Greetings. smile.gif


We have released a minor version of FusionCharts XT, FusionCharts XT Service Release 2 (FusionCharts XT-SR2) on 25 January 2012.


It contains a number of bug fixes and improvements.


Read more : http://www.fusioncha...on-history.html


Being a Service Release, the update in not available as an "Upgrade" from PUC.


Existing customers need to re-download from PUC to update to this release.


The trial version of FusionCharts XT-SR2 is available at


And also, if this does not help, the upcoming release of FusionCharts XT (3.2.2-SR3) will have fixes towards better memory utilization.


Hope this helps. smile.gif

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Thanks for the mail.


Please note that we have released yet another version of FusionCharts XT, FusionCharts XT Service Release 3 on 13th of March, 2012.


It contains a number of bug fixes and improvements like:

>> Support for JavaScript Pie 3D and Doughnut 3D charts

>> Ability to control number formatting for Indian and East Asian thousand/lac separation formats

>> Support for recursive number scaling to display the chart data better


Also, a few improvements like:

>> Considerable reduction of memory leaks upon resize, data-update and dispose of charts

>> Text-selection (I-beam) cursor does not appear now when hovered over text

>> JavaScript Bubble charts now correctly clip all out-of-canvas data-points using the clipBubbles attribute

>> JavaScript Pie and Doughnut charts now support dashed plot borders


Enhancements in JavaScript Zoom Line chart which includes:

>>Pin Mode

>>Better management of x-axis data labels

>>Icons for Zoom-Out, Reset and Pin Mode


Read more :


Being a Service Release, the update in not available as an "Upgrade" from PUC. Existing customers need to re-download from PUC to update to this release.

The trial version of FusionCharts XT-SR3 is available at :


Could you please download the latest version and let us know if the memory leak issue had been considerably reduced?


Hope this helps. :)

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