
Special Characters In Tooltip

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we are evaluating FC and came to a sort of bug when trying to create a datapoint tooltext.


As we are lliving in a multilanguage country Belgium, we need several special characters is the text.


For the moment we have troubles displaying the ë, é, è characters. the tooltext string has been converted as follows:



We are setting thetooltext with the php function htmlentities().




<dataset seriesName="1st game">

<set value="213" tooltext="1ste game - 213 pins{br}Interclub 7 "/>

<set value="154" tooltext="1ste game - 154 pins{br}Interclub 1 "/>

<set value="159" tooltext="1ste game - 159 pins{br}Interclub 2 "/>

<set value="193" tooltext="1ste game - 193 pins{br}Interclub 6 "/>

<set value="178" tooltext="1ste game - 178 pins{br}Nationaal Kampioenschap Trio's "/>

<set value="163" tooltext="1ste game - 163 pins{br}Interclub 8 "/>

<set value="111" tooltext="1ste game - 111 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="151" tooltext="1ste game - 151 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="186" tooltext="1ste game - 186 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="116" tooltext="1ste game - 116 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="132" tooltext="1ste game - 132 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="181" tooltext="1ste game - 181 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="179" tooltext="1ste game - 179 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="174" tooltext="1ste game - 174 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="187" tooltext="1ste game - 187 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="149" tooltext="1ste game - 149 pins{br}Beker van België - Beker Armand Colin 1/32 finale"/>

<set value="169" tooltext="1ste game - 169 pins{br}Beker van België - Beker Armand Colin 1/16 finale"/>

<set value="171" tooltext="1ste game - 171 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="176" tooltext="1ste game - 176 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="161" tooltext="1ste game - 161 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="172" tooltext="1ste game - 172 pins{br}Liga "/>

<set value="129" tooltext="1ste game - 129 pins{br}Liga "/>



<dataset seriesName="1st game">
<set value="213" tooltext="1ste game - 213 pins{br}Interclub 7 "/>
<set value="154" tooltext="1ste game - 154 pins{br}Interclub 1 "/>
<set value="159" tooltext="1ste game - 159 pins{br}Interclub 2 "/>
<set value="193" tooltext="1ste game - 193 pins{br}Interclub 6 "/>
<set value="178" tooltext="1ste game - 178 pins{br}Nationaal Kampioenschap Trio's "/>
<set value="163" tooltext="1ste game - 163 pins{br}Interclub 8 "/>
<set value="111" tooltext="1ste game - 111 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="151" tooltext="1ste game - 151 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="186" tooltext="1ste game - 186 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="116" tooltext="1ste game - 116 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="132" tooltext="1ste game - 132 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="181" tooltext="1ste game - 181 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="179" tooltext="1ste game - 179 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="174" tooltext="1ste game - 174 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="187" tooltext="1ste game - 187 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="149" tooltext="1ste game - 149 pins{br}Beker van België - Beker Armand Colin 1/32 finale"/>
<set value="169" tooltext="1ste game - 169 pins{br}Beker van België - Beker Armand Colin 1/16 finale"/>
<set value="171" tooltext="1ste game - 171 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="176" tooltext="1ste game - 176 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="161" tooltext="1ste game - 161 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="172" tooltext="1ste game - 172 pins{br}Liga "/>
<set value="129" tooltext="1ste game - 129 pins{br}Liga "/>


the apostroph gets correctly displayed but not the other characters.


Any idea to handle this correctly ?

Edited by rodiusd

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Guest Sashibhusan



Thank you for the post.


Could you please try by directly embedding the special characters like: ë, é, è in the tooltip of your XML code?


Ref. Code:

<set value="149" tooltext="1ste game - 149 pins{br}Beker van België - Beker Armand Colin 1/32 finale"/>


Please note that you can directly embed all the special characters (except &, <, >, ' (apostrophe) and "(quote) ) in the XML data source of your chart.


However, &, <, >, ' (apostrophe) and "(quote) need to be specially HTML encoded when providing the same as a part of the chart data.


Hope this helps.:)


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Guest Sashibhusan



Also to use multi-lingual (UTF-8) characters on the charts, you need to use UTF-8 encoded XML.


So the XML file/stream does require a BOM(Byte Order Mark) stamp to be present as the very first 3 Bytes of the file. So do not forget to add BOM in the XML/stream.


For more information on "Using Multi-Lingual text > How to add BOM", please follow the link below:


Hope this helps.:)

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thanks for the replies, however for the first one, the tooltext is coming from a MySQL db code in UTF-8.

For the second hint the PHP file creating the XML respons is encode with a BOM marker as also the HTML file is encode with the BOM.


The XML respons is also encode with the BOM.


   $link = connectToDB();
   $gp = $gt = 0;
   $strParam = pack( "CCC" , 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF );
   $uid = (isset($_SESSION['mbr_uid'])) ? $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] : 13; 
   $scope = (isset($_GET['scope'])) ? $_GET['scope'] : 1; 

   $strParam .= "</chart>";

   //Set Proper output content-type
   header('Content-type: text/xml');

   //Just write out the XML data
   print $strParam;


So i dont know what is going wrong here.


Please advise

Edited by rodiusd

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Guest Sashibhusan



It seems that in your PHP code you are assigning "pack( "CCC" , 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF );" to $strParam PHP variable which should be echo as output in the very first line of the code.


Also please mention the charset as UTF-8 in the header part and try.


Please find below your code which I have modified accordingly.

   echo pack( "CCC" , 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF );
   $link = connectToDB();
   $gp = $gt = 0;
   //$strParam = pack( "CCC" , 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF );
   $uid = (isset($_SESSION['mbr_uid'])) ? $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] : 13; 
   $scope = (isset($_GET['scope'])) ? $_GET['scope'] : 1; 

   $strParam .= "</chart>";

   //Set Proper output content-type
   header('Content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8');

   //Just write out the XML data
   print $strParam;


please find the below link which would explain more on this:



I hope this will help you out !

Edited by Sashibhusan

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tryed with your info but got not further.


    echo pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf);
   //echo pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf);
   $link = connectToDB();
   $gp = $gt = 0;
   // Get member information
   $strQuery = "SELECT fullname, BBSFAverage FROM members WHERE id = 13";
$result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());
if ($result) {
       while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
           $fullname = $row->fullname;
           $BBSFavg  = $row->BBSFAverage;

$strQuery = "SELECT date_format(g.playdate,'%d %b %Y') as playdate,"
                    ." concat(e.description,' ',ifnull(et.description,' ')) as event,"
                    ." g.game01, g.game02, g.game03, g.game04, g.game05, g.game06, g.game07, g.game08, g.game09, g.game10 "
              ."FROM games g INNER JOIN events e ON g.eventID = LEFT OUTER JOIN events_type et ON e.typeID = "
              ."WHERE (g.memberID = '13' and scopeID = '1')";
$result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());
if ($result) {
  $categories = "<categories>";
     $datasetg01 = "<dataset seriesName='1st game'>";
     $datasetg02 = "<dataset seriesName='2nd game'>";
     $datasetg03 = "<dataset seriesName='3th game'>";
     $datasetg04 = "<dataset seriesName='4th game'>";
     $datasetg05 = "<dataset seriesName='5th game'>";
     $datasetg06 = "<dataset seriesName='6th game'>";
     $datasetg07 = "<dataset seriesName='7th game'>";
     $datasetg08 = "<dataset seriesName='8th game'>";
     $datasetg09 = "<dataset seriesName='9th game'>";
     $datasetg10 = "<dataset seriesName='10th game'>";
       while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
           $categories .= "<category label='".$row->playdate."'/>";
           if ($row->game01 == 0){
             $datasetg01 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game01; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg01 .= "<set value='".$row->game01."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}1ste game - ".$row->game01." pins' />";
           if ($row->game02 == 0){
             $datasetg02 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game02; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg02 .= "<set value='".$row->game02."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}2nd game - ".$row->game02." pins' />";
           if ($row->game03 == 0){
             $datasetg03 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game03; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg03 .= "<set value='".$row->game03."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}3th game - ".$row->game03." pins' />";
           if ($row->game04 == 0){
             $datasetg04 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game04; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg04 .= "<set value='".$row->game04."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}4th game - ".$row->game04." pins' />";
           if ($row->game05 == 0){
             $datasetg05 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game05; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg05 .= "<set value='".$row->game05."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}5th game - ".$row->game05." pins' />";
           if ($row->game06 == 0){
             $datasetg06 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game06; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg06 .= "<set value='".$row->game06."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game06." pins' />";
   // build XML data

  $strParam  = "<chart caption='".$fullname." - BBSF played games' subCaption='Season 2011-2012' ";
   $strParam .= "yAxisMaxValue= '300' numDivLines='10' maxLabelWidthPercent='5' slantLabels='0' showvalues='0' ";
   $strParam .= "xAxisName='Event date' yAxisName='Pins' showBorder='1' ";
   $strParam .= " >";

   $strParam .= $categories."</categories>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg01."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg02."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg03."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg04."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg05."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg06."</dataset>";

   $BBSFnew = intval($gp / $gt);
   $strParam .= "<trendlines>";
   $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$BBSFavg."' color='FF0000' displayValue='BBSF Avg.' showOnTop='1' />";
   $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$BBSFnew."' color='00FF00' displayValue='BBSF New' showOnTop='1' />";
   $strParam .= "</trendlines>";

   $strParam .= "</chart>";

   //Set Proper output content-type
   header('Content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8');

   //Just write out the XML data
   print  $strParam;



xml result show België with a strange character instead of the ë.


<set value="149" tooltext="04 Nov 2011{br}Beker van Belgie - Beker Armand Colin 1/32 finale{br}1ste game - 149 pins"/>

<set value="169" tooltext="02 Dec 2011{br}Beker van Belgi� - Beker Armand Colin 1/16 finale{br}1ste game - 169 pins"/>

<set value="155" tooltext="18 Nov 2011{br}Interclub 10 {br}1ste game - 155 pins"/>

<set value="168" tooltext="25 Nov 2011{br}Interclub 11 {br}1ste game - 168 pins"/>

<set value="159" tooltext="04 Dec 2011{br}Provinciale Kampioenschappen {br}1ste game - 159 pins"/>




any idea

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Guest Sashibhusan



Apologize for the inconvenience.


The header should come first before XML data.


So could you please modify the code by putting "header('Content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8'); " in the very first line of your PHP code and see if it works?


Ref. Code:



header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );

echo pack ( "C3" , 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf );

// Now write your XML data to output stream




Awaiting your response!


Hope this helps.

Edited by Sashibhusan

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thanks for the addional info.


so added the required header to the start of the php file but without any result.

   header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
   echo pack ( "C3" , 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf );

   $link = connectToDB();
   $gp = $gt = 0;

   $uid = (isset($_GET['uid'])) ? $_GET['uid'] : 13; //Default to Rodius Danny
   $scope = (isset($_GET['scope'])) ? $_GET['scope'] : 1; //Default to BBSF

   // Get member information
   $strQuery = "SELECT fullname, BBSFAverage FROM members WHERE id = '".$uid."'";
$result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());
if ($result) {
       while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
           $fullname = $row->fullname;
           $BBSFavg  = $row->BBSFAverage;

$strQuery = "SELECT date_format(g.playdate,'%d %b %Y') as playdate,"
                    ." concat(e.description,' ',ifnull(et.description,' ')) as event,"
                    ." g.game01, g.game02, g.game03, g.game04, g.game05, g.game06, g.game07, g.game08, g.game09, g.game10 "
              ."FROM games g INNER JOIN events e ON g.eventID = LEFT OUTER JOIN events_type et ON e.typeID = "
              ."WHERE (g.memberID = '".$uid."' and scopeID = '".$scope."')"
              ."ORDER BY g.playdate";
$result = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());
if ($result) {
  $categories = "<categories>";
     $datasetg01 = "<dataset seriesName='1st game'>";
     $datasetg02 = "<dataset seriesName='2nd game'>";
     $datasetg03 = "<dataset seriesName='3th game'>";
     $datasetg04 = "<dataset seriesName='4th game'>";
     $datasetg05 = "<dataset seriesName='5th game'>";
     $datasetg06 = "<dataset seriesName='6th game'>";
     $datasetg07 = "<dataset seriesName='7th game'>";
     $datasetg08 = "<dataset seriesName='8th game'>";
     $datasetg09 = "<dataset seriesName='9th game'>";
     $datasetg10 = "<dataset seriesName='10th game'>";
       while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
           $categories .= "<category label='".$row->playdate."'/>";
           if ($row->game01 == 0){
             $datasetg01 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game01; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg01 .= "<set value='".$row->game01."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}1ste game - ".$row->game01." pins' />";
           if ($row->game02 == 0){
             $datasetg02 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game02; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg02 .= "<set value='".$row->game02."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}2nd game - ".$row->game02." pins' />";
           if ($row->game03 == 0){
             $datasetg03 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game03; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg03 .= "<set value='".$row->game03."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}3th game - ".$row->game03." pins' />";
           if ($row->game04 == 0){
             $datasetg04 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game04; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg04 .= "<set value='".$row->game04."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}4th game - ".$row->game04." pins' />";
           if ($row->game05 == 0){
             $datasetg05 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game05; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg05 .= "<set value='".$row->game05."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}5th game - ".$row->game05." pins' />";
           if ($row->game06 == 0){
             $datasetg06 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game06; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg06 .= "<set value='".$row->game06."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game06." pins' />";
           if ($row->game07 == 0){
             $datasetg07 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game07; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg06 .= "<set value='".$row->game07."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game07." pins' />";
           if ($row->game08 == 0){
             $datasetg08 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game08; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg08 .= "<set value='".$row->game08."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game08." pins' />";
           if ($row->game09 == 0){
             $datasetg09 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game06; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg09 .= "<set value='".$row->game09."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game09." pins' />";
           if ($row->game10 == 0){
             $datasetg10 .= "<set value='?'/>";
             $gp += $row->game10; $gt += 1;
             $datasetg10 .= "<set value='".$row->game10."' tooltext='".$row->playdate."{br}".clearHMTL($row->event)."{br}6th game - ".$row->game10." pins' />";

   switch ($scope){
       case 1:
           $strParam = "<chart caption='".$fullname." - BBSF played games' subCaption='Season 2011-2012' ";
       case 2:
           $strParam = "<chart caption='".$fullname." - Club played games' subCaption='Season 2011-2012' ";
       case 3:
           $strParam = "<chart caption='".$fullname." - Free played games' subCaption='Season 2011-2012' ";
   $strParam .= "yAxisMaxValue= '300' yAxisMinValue='75' numDivLines='10' maxLabelWidthPercent='5' slantLabels='0' showvalues='0' ";
   $strParam .= "labelDisplay='ROTATE' xAxisName='Event date' yAxisName='Pins' showBorder='1' ";
   $strParam .= " >";

   $strParam .= $categories."</categories>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg01."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg02."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg03."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg04."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg05."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg06."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg07."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg08."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg09."</dataset>";
   $strParam .= $datasetg10."</dataset>";

   $NewAvg = intval($gp / $gt);
   $strParam .= "<trendlines>";
     switch ($scope){
       case 1:
         $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$BBSFavg."' color='00FF00' displayValue='Old Avg.' showOnTop='0' />";
         if($NewAvg > $BBSFavg){
           $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$NewAvg."' color='0000FF' displayValue='New Avg.' showOnTop='0' />";
           $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$NewAvg."' color='FF0000' displayValue='New Avg.' showOnTop='0' />";
       case 2:
         $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$NewAvg."' color='0000FF' displayValue='Year Avg.' showOnTop='0' />";
       case 3:
         $strParam .= "<line startValue='".$NewAvg."' color='0000FF' displayValue='Year Avg.' showOnTop='0' />";
   $strParam .= "</trendlines>";

   $strParam .= "</chart>";
   //Set Proper output content-type
   //header('Content-type: text/xml');

   //Just write out the XML data
   print $strParam;

   function clearHMTL($s){
     $s = htmlspecialchars($s,ENT_QUOTES);
     //$s = htmlentities($s);
     return $s;


Also checked the encoding of th efiles used and they are UTF-8 with BOM



Any idea?

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Guest Sashibhusan



I am afraid, we are able to query the special characters from MySQL DB and display on the chart successfully, using the above suggested settings.


Could you please create a simple PHP page (with UTF-8 BOM Stamp), and try to echo the special characters, querying from your DB and share the feedback with us?


Awaiting your response !

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