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Stacked Column 2D + Line With "dual Y"

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Is this going to be available?


"Stacked Column + 2D Line WITH DUAL Y"


There is a 3D Version of this, but no 2D version. Seems odd that this is unavailable. Basically, the ability to have lines on the second Y axis in 2D, with the stacked bar and possible other lines on the primary axis.


Can this be achieved with the"MSStackedColumn2DLineDY", while only providing a single series for the stached columns (rather than 2).






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Looks like this can be achieved using the MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf chart, and only providing one stack series. So you still get one set of stacked bars, and a line that can be on the secondary Y-axis.


   "chart": {
       "caption": "Annual Revenue",
       "subcaption": "In Million {:content:}quot;,
       "xaxisname": "Year",
       "pyaxisname": "Sales in M{:content:}quot;,
       "syaxisname": "Cost as % of Revenue",
       "decimals": "0",
       "numberprefix": "{:content:}quot;,
       "numbersuffix": "M",
       "snumbersuffix": "%25"
   "categories": [{
       "category": [{
           "label": "2001"
           "label": "2002"
           "label": "2003"
           "label": "2004"
           "label": "2005"
   "dataset": [{
       "dataset": [{
           "seriesname": "Product A",
           "color": "AFD8F8",
           "showvalues": "0",
           "data": [{
               "value": "30"
               "value": "26"
               "value": "29"
               "value": "31"
               "value": "34"
           "seriesname": "Product B",
           "color": "F6BD0F",
           "showvalues": "0",
           "data": [{
               "value": "21"
               "value": "28"
               "value": "39"
               "value": "41"
               "value": "24"
   "lineset": {
       "seriesname": "Cost as % of Revenue",
       "showvalues": "0",
       "linethickness": "4",
       "data": [{
           "value": "57"
         "value": "68"
         "value": "79"
         "value": "73"
         "value": "80"

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Guest Bindhu



Thank you for the post.


You rock !! You got it absolutely right :)


Happy FusionCharting :D

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