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Error on Links in pop-up windows in IE6 and IE7 when using FusionMaps

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I tried to use the US and States maps and I wanted to drill down from the US map to each state by pop-up a new window. I use the link attribute in the entity object and I encoded something like this:


[link='P-detailsWin,width=1050,height=700,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no-Map.php?ref=116]




I first used Firefox for this and it worked, however I switch from using Firefox as testing to Internet Explorer 6. As I click on one US state the browser was not creating a new window. So I check it in other browsers such as Opera and it work. I tried to install IE7 to test and the problem persist. Did I miss something or have I done something wrong with my code?





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Could you just try running it from a server, instead of local file system? At times, IE + Flash security settings prevent JS from running on local file system.

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