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bar-graphs fade to white through the bar

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Dear Support,


We are using FusionChart ver3.0 for our Coldfusion appliation. The

bar-graphs currently fade to white through the bar. Can we avoid the

fade effect in the bar. i.e can these be changed so that the whole bar

is a single colour please?




The following code we have used for generating the graph which is attached in here.



<cfset strXMLData_T = "<chart xAxisName='Week(DD-MON)' yAxisName='Quantity' rotateLabels='1' caption='Demand Backlog' subCaption='(#graphTitle#)' showLabels='1' showvalues='0' showSecondaryLimits='0' numberPrefix='' formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='1' decimalPrecision='2' divLineDecimalPrecision='2' limitsDecimalPrecision='2' slantLabels='1' animation='1'>" &chr(10)>

<!--- 'Generate the category elements - category elements are the x-axis labels --->

<cfset strCategories_T = "">

<cfset strCategories_T = strCategories_T & "<categories>" &chr(10)>

<cfloop index="elem" from="1" to="19">

<cfset strCategories_T = strCategories_T & "<category label='" & dateFormat(ArrDemandBackGraph[elem][1],"dd-MMM") & "' />" &chr(10)>

<cfif elem eq 6>

<cfset strCategories_T = strCategories_T & "<vLine color='ffff00' thickness='3' />"&chr(10)>



<cfset strCategories_T = strCategories_T & "</categories>" &chr(10)>

<!--- Bar: Demand BackLog --->

<cfset strDataSet_T= "">

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<dataset seriesName='Demand Backlog' color='EC0000' showValues='0'>" &chr(10)>

<cfloop index="elem" from="1" to="19">

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<set value='" & ArrDemandBackGraph[elem][2] & "' />" &chr(10)>



<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "</dataset>" &chr(10)>

<!--- Bar: Actual Production Plan --->

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<dataset seriesName='Actual Production' color='008200' showValues='0'>" &chr(10)>

<cfloop index="elem" from="1" to="19">

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<set value='" & ArrActualProdGraph[elem][2] & "' />" &chr(10)>


<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "</dataset>" &chr(10)>

<!--- Bar: Previous Demand backlog --->

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<dataset seriesName='Previous Demand backlog' color='0000FF' showValues='0'>" &chr(10)>

<cfloop index="elem" from="1" to="19">

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<set value='" & ArrPrevDemGraph[elem][2] & "' />" &chr(10)>


<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "</dataset>" &chr(10)>

<!--- Line: Last Plan run rate --->

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<dataset lineThickness='2' seriesName='Last Plan run rate' color='000000' renderAs='Line'>" &chr(10)>

<cfloop index="elem" from="1" to="19">

<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "<set value='" & ArrGetlastplanrunrateGraph[elem][2] & "' />" &chr(10)>


<cfset strDataSet_T = strDataSet_T & "</dataset>" &chr(10)>

<cfset strXMLData_T = strXMLData_T & strCategories_T & strDataSet_T & "</chart>">


<!--- <div align="center" class="text"> --->

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="990" HEIGHT="320" id="FusionCharts" ALIGN="">

<PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="&dataXML=<cfoutput>#strXMLData_T#</cfoutput>">

<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="Charts/MSCombi2D.swf?chartWidth=990&chartHeight=320">

<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>


<EMBED src="Charts/MSCombi2D.swf?chartWidth=990&chartHeight=320" FlashVars="&dataXML=<cfoutput>#strXMLData_T#</cfoutput>" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="990" HEIGHT="320" NAME="FusionCharts" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>


imagebmp.gifDemand backlog.bmp

Edited by Guest

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i am also facing the same problem,

can you please provide me a solution.

i am getting the fade effect to the bars. but i dont need that.

how to remove it, i only want single color. how to remove that fade effect.

please help me out.



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