
Charting Data Values Overlapping Problem

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  On 4/30/2012 at 6:27 AM, Swarnam said:



Try setting rotateValues attribute set it to 1.


Do you mean slantLabels = 1 ?? I have already tried them ... but still not working ...

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No, slantLabels attribute will help in slanting the X axis data labels.


To avoid overlapping of data values, try setting rotateValues attribute to 1 in chart element.:)

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.
In a stacked column chart, data plots are stacked over each other. In a particular dataset if all the values are zero, stacked values are being overlapped in the visualization. Legend interactivity can help in identifying the overlapping.
Else, to show the values where many of them are 0's try using multi series column chart. :)



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Usually when we use scatter chart, there is this possibility that labels on the chart with adjacent values overlaps each other. So, we would suggest you to use the "showValue" and set it to 0 . You can also use "toolText" attribute if you want to display more information for the data item as tool tip.




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Well if you want to display value and not want them to overlap in a scatter chart then you will have to increase the chart dimension in order to increase  the distance between two data plots of the scatter chart.



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