
Show Line To Outlier Data But Not Data Itself

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I am trying to keep the formatting of a line graph. When it experiences an extreme spike or outlier, it needs to just show the line going to the data rather than reformatting the graph to show the data. It will be shown in the legend instead. I have attached 2 images, agColorOutlier is what I am trying to achieve, you will notice there are 2 data points where you see only the line and not the data point itself since it exceeds the max and min of the trend lines. FusionChartOutlier, when experiencing the same data will reformat itself to show the data point, this is not what I am trying to achieve.


Looking for a setting in the chart xml objects that may allow this.





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Guest Sashibhusan



In FusionCharts charts, the data points are plotted based on the Y-Axis values which are nothing but the DIV line values calculated by the number of DIV lines provided and the data point values.


Each time when chart renders, the chart itself finds the maximum and minimum data point values and set the Y-Axis limits according to these limiting values.


Hence, when the data point value exceeds the Y-Axis maximum limit, the chart will consider that value as maximum and reset the Y-Axis limits accordingly.


Since this is an intended behavior of Fusioncahrts chart, you are not able to get the chart as agColorOutlier chart.


Hope I am able to clarify myself.

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Yep, I put anchorradius = '0' in the object properties and set the value to yAxisMaxValue or yAxisMinValue if they exceed while showing the actual value in the legend. This will work.


Thanks, Sean

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Guest Sumedh

Yep, I put anchorradius = '0' in the object properties and set the value to yAxisMaxValue or yAxisMinValue if they exceed while showing the actual value in the legend. This will work.


Thanks, Sean



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