
How To Hide *.swf File From User?

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Good day to you


there's a question that i need to ask you,


how do we hide the fusionchart flash *.swf files from the user that browsing our page?


i did notice user able to view the *.swf files thru code behind by right clicking on the page & view source

From there. They then can see a direct link to download the fusionchart flash files). Either in

asp.net & php.



e.g. on serverside asp.net we call the following fusionchart object & embedded it on asp.net literal object:

//calling fusion chart object
litFusionChart.Text =  FusionCharts.RenderChart("./FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", myXMLdata,  "myFirst", "600", "300", false, true);


user then view the webpage on their browser & then they see the following codes on their part (by view source). This is generated by the litFusionChart literal object.


<!-- START Script Block for Chart myFirst -->
<div id='myFirstDiv' >
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart_myFirst = new FusionCharts({"debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" :  "./FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "renderAt" : "myFirstDiv", "width" :  "600", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "myFirst",  "registerWithJS" : "1", "height" : "300","dataSource" : "<chart  caption='Car Price Range' xAxisName='Cars' yAxisName='Price'  numberPrefix='RM'><set label='Saga' value='40000' /><set  label='Savvy' value='31000' /><set label='Myvi' value='44000'  /><set label='Honda Civic' value='56000'  /></chart>"}).render();</script>
<!-- END Script Block for Chart myFirst -->




i've came across with this simple example, but in PHP. Just wondering too how do we implement it by calling the fusionchart *.swf files in PHP/ASP.Net using this method.

here's the link : http://www.quilix.com/node/31



hope you can gave me some suggestion/idea to make the *.swf link hidden from the user. to make it more secured (especially the fusionchart flash files).



Najmi Rooslan

bSure Solutions SDN BHD

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Guest Sumedh
  On 6/25/2012 at 6:18 AM, mie131085 said:

Good day to you


there's a question that i need to ask you,


how do we hide the fusionchart flash *.swf files from the user that browsing our page?


i did notice user able to view the *.swf files thru code behind by right clicking on the page & view source

From there. They then can see a direct link to download the fusionchart flash files). Either in

asp.net & php.



e.g. on serverside asp.net we call the following fusionchart object & embedded it on asp.net literal object:

//calling fusion chart object
litFusionChart.Text =  FusionCharts.RenderChart("./FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", myXMLdata,  "myFirst", "600", "300", false, true);


user then view the webpage on their browser & then they see the following codes on their part (by view source). This is generated by the litFusionChart literal object.


<!-- START Script Block for Chart myFirst -->
<div id='myFirstDiv' >
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart_myFirst = new FusionCharts({"debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" :  "./FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "renderAt" : "myFirstDiv", "width" :  "600", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "myFirst",  "registerWithJS" : "1", "height" : "300","dataSource" : "<chart  caption='Car Price Range' xAxisName='Cars' yAxisName='Price'  numberPrefix='RM'><set label='Saga' value='40000' /><set  label='Savvy' value='31000' /><set label='Myvi' value='44000'  /><set label='Honda Civic' value='56000'  /></chart>"}).render();</script>
<!-- END Script Block for Chart myFirst -->




i've came across with this simple example, but in PHP. Just wondering too how do we implement it by calling the fusionchart *.swf files in PHP/ASP.Net using this method.

here's the link : http://www.quilix.com/node/31



hope you can gave me some suggestion/idea to make the *.swf link hidden from the user. to make it more secured (especially the fusionchart flash files).



Najmi Rooslan

bSure Solutions SDN BHD





This has been identified as a bug.


We will update you on this, as it will be fixed.


Thanks for your time and support.



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Guest Sumedh



Our developers are working on this issue.


We will update you on this as it will be fixed.


Thanks for your time and support.




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