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Which Chart To Use

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Hi I was wondering what chart I would use if I wanted 3 lines on the xy(yaxis1) part and one line on the xy(yaxis 2/right side). I thought it would be the 2d dual y combination chart but the only examples in the documentation have the bar charts and the only line is applied to the 2nd yaxis.


This is what I am looking for:

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Guest Sumedh



You can use Combination Dual y 2D chart for this scenario.


Combination Dual Y 2D chart allows you to configure which Y-axis to choose for particular data-plot using "parentYAxis" attribute.


You can also configure the data-plot format using "renderAs". This attribute defines what the particular dataset will be plotted as. Valid values are COLUMN, AREA or LINE.


Please refer the following URL, for more information:


Also, find attached screen-shot for your reference.


Hope this helps!


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You can use Combination Dual y 2D chart for this scenario.


Combination Dual Y 2D chart allows you to configure which Y-axis to choose for particular data-plot using "parentYAxis" attribute.


You can also configure the data-plot format using "renderAs". This attribute defines what the particular dataset will be plotted as. Valid values are COLUMN, AREA or LINE.


Please refer the following URL, for more information:



Also, find attached screen-shot for your reference.


Hope this helps!


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I have written the code for the chart and I can see the xml using FireBug when I am on the page but I just get a blank screen that says chart. I have the 4 javascript files/swf/and FusionCharts.asp in the same folder . Here is my code. Any ideas?


'Dim oConn
if not isObject(oConn) then
	'Dim strConnQuery
	Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")		
	oConn.Mode = 3

   	strConnQuery = " Driver={SQL Server};Server=*;DATABASE=*;UID=*;PWD=*"

	oConn.Open strConnQuery
end if
Dim subjectCode,subjectID,treatmentCode,baseline,count, motherID,x
Dim FC,strQuery,Hours(27),strCategory, strValueMax, strValueMin,strValueTreat,upper, lower

hours(0) = ".25"
hours(1) = ".5"
hours(2) = ".75"
hours(3) = "1"

hours(4) = "2"
hours(5) = "3"
hours(6) = "4"
hours(7) = "5"
hours(8) = "6"
hours(9) = "7"
hours(10) = "8"
hours(11) = "9"
hours(12) = "10"
hours(13) = "11"
hours(14) = "12"
hours(15) = "13"
hours(16) = "14"
hours(17) = "15"
hours(18) = "16"
hours(19) = "17"
hours(20) = "18"
hours(21) = "19"
hours(22) = "20"
hours(23) = "21"
hours(24) = "22"
hours(25) = "23"
hours(26) = "24"

subjectCode = Request.QueryString("subjectCode")

Response.Write("Subject Code: " & subjectCode & "<br />")
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")	
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

oConn.Open strConnQuery

strQuery="Select z.ID as totOutput, d.zTreatmentCode as totOutput2 from [ATACH2].[dbo].[vSubjectDemographics] d, zSubject z where z.zSubjectCode = "&subjectCode&" AND z.zsubjectCode = d.zSubjectCode "'get treatment and subjectID
Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
subjectid = oRs("totOutput")
treatmentCode = oRs("totOutput2")

if treatmentCode=1 then'figure out upper/lower bound of BP from treatment
end if

strQuery="Select  ID as mother from F05 where zsubjectID = "&subjectID&" "  'get baseline and motherFormID
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
baseline = 80
  ' baseline = oRs("totOutput2") Q09a as totOutput, Q09b as totOutput2,
motherID = oRs("mother")

strQuery= "Select count(ID) as totOutput from [ATACH2].[dbo].[F05C] where MotherRecID = "&motherID&" "'get number of hours assessed 
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
count = oRs("totOutput")
strCategory = "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(0)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(1)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(2)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(3)&"' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' "
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(4)&"' />"
strValueMax = "<dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
strValueMin = "<dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
strValueTreat = "<dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
'count = 6
while x < count 
if x > 3 then
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(x)&"' />"
end if
strQuery= "Select QB as Max, QC as Min, QG as Treatment from [ATACH2].[dbo].[F05C] where OrderNb = "&x+1&" AND MotherRecID = "&motherID&" " ' get max,min,treatment
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&oRs("Max")&"' />"
strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&oRs("Min")&"' />"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "<set value = '"&oRs("Treatment")&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>"
strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>"
strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>"

Set oRs = Nothing
strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat 
Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600)

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Please check if you have specified the path for FusionCharts.js file and SWF file or not?


Relative path should be specified for these files.


Please refer the following URL for more information:



Hope this helps!


I double checked my paths for the files and their location and they are correct. Do you have any other ideas? I can repost code if needed. I also noticed that in my code near the bottom I was missing the </div> but that didn't do anything for me....

Edited by Charter

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Can you paste your entire sample code here?



<%@ Language=VBScript %>
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="FusionCharts.asp" -->
  <!-- #INCLUDE file="DBConn2.asp" -->

<html  >
   	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

   	<title>Blood Pressure Chart</title>
   	<link href="../assets/ui/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
   	<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>

		<style type="text/css">

       	body,html,head,div{height:100%; min-height:100%;width:100%; }
	<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="ATACHII/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<div class="Blood Pressure">


Dim subjectCode,subjectID,treatmentCode,baseline,count, motherID,x
Dim FC,strQuery,Hours(27),strCategory, strValueMax, strValueMin,strValueTreat,upper, lower

hours(0) = ".25"
hours(1) = ".5"
hours(2) = ".75"
hours(3) = "1"

hours(4) = "2"
hours(5) = "3"
hours(6) = "4"
hours(7) = "5"
hours(8) = "6"
hours(9) = "7"
hours(10) = "8"
hours(11) = "9"
hours(12) = "10"
hours(13) = "11"
hours(14) = "12"
hours(15) = "13"
hours(16) = "14"
hours(17) = "15"
hours(18) = "16"
hours(19) = "17"
hours(20) = "18"
hours(21) = "19"
hours(22) = "20"
hours(23) = "21"
hours(24) = "22"
hours(25) = "23"
hours(26) = "24"

subjectCode = Request.QueryString("subjectCode")

Response.Write("Subject Code: " & subjectCode & "<br />")
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")	
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

oConn.Open strConnQuery

strQuery="Select z.ID as totOutput, d.zTreatmentCode as totOutput2 from vSubjectDemographics] d, zSubject z where z.zsubjectCode = d.zSubjectCode AND z.zSubjectCode = "&subjectCode&" "'get treatment and subjectID
Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
subjectid = oRs("totOutput")
treatmentCode = oRs("totOutput2")

if treatmentCode=1 then'figure out upper/lower bound of BP from treatment
end if

strQuery="Select  ID as mother from F05 where zsubjectID = "&subjectID&" "  'get baseline and motherFormID
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
motherID = oRs("mother")

strQuery= "Select count(ID) as totOutput from F05C where MotherRecID = "&motherID&" "'get number of hours assessed 
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
count = oRs("totOutput")
strCategory = "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(0)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(1)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(2)&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(3)&"' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' />"

strValueMax = "<dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
strValueMin = "<dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
strValueTreat = "<dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0'  />"
'count = 6
while x < count 
if x > 3 then
   	strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(x)&"' />"
end if
strQuery= "Select QB as Max, QC as Min, QG as Treatment from F05C where OrderNb = "&x+1&" AND MotherRecID = "&motherID&" " ' get max,min,treatment
set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery)
strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&oRs("Max")&"' />"
strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&oRs("Min")&"' />"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "<set value = '"&oRs("Treatment")&"' />"
strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>"
strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>"
strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>"
strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>"

Set oRs = Nothing
strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat 
Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600)


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Guest Sumedh



Can you please check and confirm, if all the FusionCharts JavaScript files are maintained in same folder?


> FusionCharts.js

> FusionCharts.HC.js

> FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js

> jquery.min.js

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Can you please check and confirm, if all the FusionCharts JavaScript files are maintained in same folder?


> FusionCharts.js

> FusionCharts.HC.js

> FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js

> jquery.min.js


I double checked and all four of them are located in the same folder

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I don't know how to get the debug window to show up with my style of code(asp(not class)) I looked at the linked page but couldn't find it for regular asp. So if you could give me directions on where to add the parameter that would be great. below is the firebug printout.

And since I some how can't upload any files right now I am going to just paste the code. Some reason I had to delete some of the html because it has "more emoticons that this board allows." just fyi it should be than

<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<title>Blood Pressure Chart</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/ui/css/style.css">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The page cannot be found</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252">
<STYLE type="text/css">
BODY { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
H1 { font: 13pt/15pt verdana }
H2 { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
A:link { color: red }
A:visited { color: maroon }
</HEAD><BODY><TABLE width=500 border=0 cellspacing=10><TR><TD>
<h1>The page cannot be found</h1>
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
<p>Please try the following:</p>
<li>Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly.</li>
<li>If you reached this page by clicking a link, contact
the Web site administrator to alert them that the link is incorrectly formatted.
<li>Click the <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a> button to try another link.</li>
<h2>HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.<br>Internet Information Services (IIS)</h2>
<p>Technical Information (for support personnel)</p>
<li>Go to <a href="">Microsoft Product Support Services</a> and perform a title search for the words <b>HTTP</b> and <b>404</b>.</li>
<li>Open <b>IIS Help</b>, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr),
and search for topics titled <b>Web Site Setup</b>, <b>Common Administrative Tasks</b>, and <b>About Custom Error Messages</b>.</li>
<script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript">

<style type="text/css">
body,html,head,div{height:100%; min-height:100%;width:100%; }
<script src="ATACHII/FusionCharts.js" language="Javascript">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The page cannot be found</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252">
<STYLE type="text/css">
BODY { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
H1 { font: 13pt/15pt verdana }
H2 { font: 8pt/12pt verdana }
A:link { color: red }
A:visited { color: maroon }
</HEAD><BODY><TABLE width=500 border=0 cellspacing=10><TR><TD>
<h1>The page cannot be found</h1>
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
<p>Please try the following:</p>
<li>Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly.</li>
<li>If you reached this page by clicking a link, contact
the Web site administrator to alert them that the link is incorrectly formatted.
<li>Click the <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a> button to try another link.</li>
<h2>HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.<br>Internet Information Services (IIS)</h2>
<p>Technical Information (for support personnel)</p>
<li>Go to <a href="">Microsoft Product Support Services</a> and perform a title search for the words <b>HTTP</b> and <b>404</b>.</li>
<li>Open <b>IIS Help</b>, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr),
and search for topics titled <b>Web Site Setup</b>, <b>Common Administrative Tasks</b>, and <b>About Custom Error Messages</b>.</li>
<div class="Blood Pressure" style="width:800px; height:800px;">
Subject Code: 1014
<chart showyaxisvalues="0" syaxisname="Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)" pyaxisname="Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)" caption="Blood Pressure with Treatment">
<category label="Base">
<category label=".25">
<category label=".5">
<category label=".75">
<category label="1">
<vline label="First Hour" color="FF5904">
<category label="2">
<category label="3"></category>
<dataset renderas="Line" parentyaxis="P" seriesname="Max SBP">
<set value="0">
<set value="215">
<set value="195">
<set value="166">
<set value="120">
<set value="121">
<set value="98"></set>
<dataset renderas="Line" parentyaxis="P" seriesname="Min SBP">
<set value="0">
<set value="210">
<set value="195">
<set value="162">
<set value="119">
<set value="121">
<set value="98"></set>
<dataset renderas="Line" parentyaxis="S" seriesname="NICARDIPINE">
<set value="0">
<set value="5">
<set value="5">
<set value="5">
<set value="7.5">
<set value="7.5">
<set value="0"></set>
<line displayvalue="Upper SBP Bound" color="" startvalue="140">
<line displayvalue="Lower SBP Bound" color="" startvalue="110"> </line>
<div id="Blood PressureDiv" align="center"> Chart. </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Instantiate the Chart
var chart_Blood Pressure = new FusionCharts("MSCombiDY2D.swf", "Blood Pressure", "800", "600");
//Provide entire XML data using dataXML method
chart_Blood Pressure.setDataXML("<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' /><category label = '.25' /><category label = '.5' /><category label = '.75' /><category label = '1' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' /><category label = '2' /><category label = '3' /></categories><dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '215' /><set value = '195' /><set value = '166' /><set value = '120' /><set value = '121' /><set value = '98' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '210' /><set value = '195' /><set value = '162' /><set value = '119' /><set value = '121' /><set value = '98' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '7.5' /><set value = '7.5' /><set value = '0' /></dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '140' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '110' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>");
//Finally, render the chart.
chart_Blood Pressure.render("Blood PressureDiv");

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Guest Sumedh



The XML generated from the database is not of correct format.


Following is the correct XML format for MSArea chart,



<chart ... >



<category label='Jan' />



<category label='Dec' />



<dataset seriesName='2006'>

<set value='27400' />



<set value='24800' />



<dataset seriesName='2005'>

<set value='10000'/>



<set value='20800' />





You would have to generated the chart XML in above mentioned format.


Make changes in your code accordingly.


Also, refer the following URL's for more information:


Hope this helps!

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The XML generated from the database is not of correct format.


Following is the correct XML format for MSArea chart,



<chart ... >



<category label='Jan' />



<category label='Dec' />



<dataset seriesName='2006'>

<set value='27400' />



<set value='24800' />



<dataset seriesName='2005'>

<set value='10000'/>



<set value='20800' />





You would have to generated the chart XML in above mentioned format.


Make changes in your code accordingly.


Also, refer the following URL's for more information:





Hope this helps!


The Firebug gives it a strange setup. When I click view page source I see this

Subject Code: 1014<br /><chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' /><category label = '.25' /><category label = '.5' /><category label = '.75' /><category label = '1' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2'/> <category label = '2' /><category label = '3' /><category label = '4' /><category label = '5' /><category label = '6' /><category label = '7' /></categories><dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '223' /><set value = '194' /><set value = '179' /><set value = '175' /><set value = '178' /><set value = '158' /><set value = '160' /><set value = '186' /><set value = '186' /><set value = '183' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '100' /><set value = '80' /><set value = '177' /><set value = '171' /><set value = '174' /><set value = '154' /><set value = '154' /><set value = '170' /><set value = '170' /><set value = '183' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /></dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '140' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '110' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>


<!-- START Script Block for Chart Blood Pressure -->


<div id='Blood PressureDiv' align='center' style='width:800;height:600;'>








<script type="text/javascript"><!--


//Instantiate the Chart


if ( FusionCharts("Blood Pressure") && FusionCharts("Blood Pressure").dispose ) FusionCharts("Blood Pressure").dispose();


var chart_Blood Pressure = new FusionCharts( { "swfUrl" : "../../ATACHII/MSCombiDY2D.swf", "width" : "800", "height" : "600", "renderAt" : "Blood PressureDiv", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "Blood Pressure", "wmode" : "opaque", "dataSource" : "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' /><category label = '.25' /><category label = '.5' /><category label = '.75' /><category label = '1' /> <vLine color='FF5904' thickness='2'/> <category label = '2' /><category label = '3' /><category label = '4' /><category label = '5' /><category label = '6' /><category label = '7' /></categories><dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '223' /><set value = '194' /><set value = '179' /><set value = '175' /><set value = '178' /><set value = '158' /><set value = '160' /><set value = '186' /><set value = '186' /><set value = '183' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '100' /><set value = '80' /><set value = '177' /><set value = '171' /><set value = '174' /><set value = '154' /><set value = '154' /><set value = '170' /><set value = '170' /><set value = '183' /></dataset><dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /><set value = '5' /></dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '140' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '110' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>" } ).render();


// --></script>


<!-- END Script Block for Chart Blood Pressure -->



It seems like this is the correct format for the xml. Am I missing something?

Edited by Charter

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Possibly, this is due to the chart ID which you are passing : Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600)



Can you please try once setting the id without any space (also avoid not starting with a number)?


In short the ID is better named using variable naming conventions.


Hope this helps.

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Possibly, this is due to the chart ID which you are passing : Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600)



Can you please try once setting the id without any space (also avoid not starting with a number)?


In short the ID is better named using variable naming conventions.


Hope this helps.


Ahhh such a simple problem!<_<


It works and thank you soooo much for your help!!!!:lol:

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