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Anchor Bg Auto Fill Will Colour

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Is there a way to fill the anchorbgcolor without specifically set the color code?


By default to have color for the anchor, we set like anchorBgColor='666666' .


How to make the anchor fill with color by the default color when render the chart.


Please see attached image.

Left hand side image, with setting:

<dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorBgColor='002593' anchorRadius='4' color='0033CC' >


Right hand side without setting:

<dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorRadius='4' >


I do not want to set the anchorBgColor='002593' because the dataset is dynamic datas. I would not know how many dataset it have.



Please help.

Thanks in advanced.


Edited by xuen

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anyone can help?








Is there a way to fill the anchorbgcolor without specifically set the color code?


By default to have color for the anchor, we set like anchorBgColor='666666' .


How to make the anchor fill with color by the default color when render the chart.


Please see attached image.

Left hand side image, with setting:

<dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorBgColor='002593' anchorRadius='4' color='0033CC' >


Right hand side without setting:

<dataset seriesname='Sea' anchorBorderColor='CCCCCC' anchorRadius='4' >


I do not want to set the anchorBgColor='002593' because the dataset is dynamic datas. I would not know how many dataset it have.



Please help.

Thanks in advanced.

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