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Apostrophe Issue

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Hi ,

I am using Fusion Charts Version 3.2.2 and "javascript" as a renderer . I have replaced apostrophe in the label by " ' " but in the chart at the place of apostrophe , its is actually showing " ' " iteself. post-28599-0-72994100-1345112048_thumb.png

It worked well in trial version but it is having problem in full version.

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Actually what happening is , I am replacing apostrophe by "'" through my code and when the xml is made it is further converting the "&" into "&" so the whole replacement of apostrophe i.e. "'" is becoming "'".

How can i resolve this. BTW i am using ASP class.



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Hi Anurag,


Apologies for the delay.


Is there a way, through which you can post here the part of the code where you are adding the apostrophe? Also, please please let me know if you are using FusionCharts XT Service Release 4 (the latest release)? Meanwhile, I will do some testing myself and let you know?

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Hi Anurag,


Can you please try once using the files from the latest release - FusionCharts XT SR4 ? My quick tests with FusionCharts XT SR4 could not replicate your issue.


Also, the code that you have sent is too little to understand your complete implementation scenario. Will it be possible to do a View Source from the browser and show me the generated HTML and JavaScript for this chart?


You will find that the ASP Class has actually generated a <DIV> element and a <script> element that will contains JavaScript to generate chart (along with your data).

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I have seen the source and its is like this :


<script type="text/javascript">

if (FusionCharts && FusionCharts("FacilityPopulation") ) FusionCharts("FacilityPopulation").dispose();


var chart_FacilityPopulation = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "xml", "scaleMode" : "noScale", "renderAt" : "FacilityPopulationDiv", "id" : "FacilityPopulation", "debugMode" : "0", "lang" : "EN", "swfUrl" : "../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "wMode" : "opaque", "width" : "100%", "height" : "300", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='Average Personnel Count/1,000 SF Occupied' showValues='1' showLabels='1' showLegend='0' legendPosition='' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='' numberSuffix='' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='5'><Set Label='Buil&apos;ding: (CH0852) 22...' Value='N/A' ToolText='Buil&apos;ding: (CH0852) 225 West Wacker Drive' /><Set Label='Zip: 20005' Value='N/A' /><Set Label='Region: Midwestern' Value='N/A' /><TrendLines><Line startValue='3.5' endValue='3.5' color='D31445' displayValue=' ' dashed='1' dashedLen='5' dashGap='5' toolText='Industry Benchmark,3.5' thickness='2' showOnTop='1' /></TrendLines></chart>"}).render();</script>




The thing is that there was an apostrophe in the word building and through our code we replaced that by "'" manually. But in "'" is further breaking down in "&apos;" as u can see in the page source.


Just want to let you know that we are using "jquery 1.7.2" and we are assuming that it could be possible that the .js files used by fusion charts are getting contradicted by our .js files that we are using.



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Hi Anurag,


Will it be possible for you to share a scaled down working project (with minimum dependency like use of database etc.) with me (attach here as a zip file) to showcase the issue? Since I am unable to replicate this at our end, I am interested to test your implementation to get the issue replicated.

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Guest Sumedh



HTML doesn't actually have a ' entity. A lot of browsers support it (probably because it is a part of XHTML), but "officially" it doesn't exist.


So, you should use attached code.


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