
Chart Transparency

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Hello everyone,


I have a chart which has been generated using the Fusion chart PHP class. The chart is appearing fine.

Now I have embedded a menu at the left side of the chart which when expanded gets hidden under the chart. I tried googling the topic and came up with some comcept of canvasbgalpha but unfortunately it is not working.


I am attaching a screenshot of the problem that I am facing. Note how the child menu is getting hidden under the chart.


Any early help will be highly appreciated.




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Many thanks for the reply.


Kindly note that I have used the PHP class for generating the chart and not the .js file and I have used the PHP class file FusionCharts.php.

The reference to the file FusionCharts.js is not included anywhere in my code.


A snippet of my code is given below :


//********************CODE STARTS**************************


$FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","400","350");




$strParam="caption=TOTAL EARNING (".$prestyr."-".$preendyr." AND ".$curstyr."-".$curendyr.");subcaption=;xAxisName=FINANCIAL QUARTER;yAxisName=AMOUNT(IN CR);showValues=1;sNumberSuffix= U;formatNumberScale=0 ";












//********************CODE ENDS****************************


How do I invoke the concept of transparency in the above code?


Thanks once again!!!

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Guest Sumedh

Hi Anirban,


You would have to set "$isTransparent" parameter as "true" in the FusionCharts constructor.


Ref. Code:

FusionCharts(string $chartType, string $width, string $height[,string $chartID, Boolean $isTransparent])


Also, refer the following link for more information:

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Hi Anirban,


You would have to set "$isTransparent" parameter as "true" in the FusionCharts constructor.


Ref. Code:

FusionCharts(string $chartType, string $width, string $height[,string $chartID, Boolean $isTransparent])


Also, refer the following link for more information:

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Many thanks for your response.


This is what I have tried after going through your response :


//*******************CODE STARTS**********************


$FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","400","350","mychart",true);


//******************CODE ENDS**************************


However, it is giving me the undergiven error when running the page :


Message: Object doesn't support property or method 'setTransparent'

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Guest Sashibhusan



Setting the transparency for the chart, while creating FusionCharts PHP Class object, is working fine from our end.


Please find the sample attached and let us know if this helps to you.


Also, could you please check the "bgAlpha" attribute of the <chart> element is set to "0" and you have included the "FusionCharts_Gen.php" in your page properly?


Awaiting your feedback.

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