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Infinite Loop In Certain Cases

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In my application content of the page which contains Fusion Chart is reloaded multiple times with AJAX request, so chart is regenerated several times which at some point causes infinite loop ONLY IE 7.

I've tracked down problem to the code of the function "global.normalizeCSSDimension" and particularly:




if (w.match(/^\s*\d*\.?\d*\%\s*$/) && !w.match(/^\s*0\%\s*$/) &&

container.offsetWidth === 0) {

while ((p = container.offsetParent)) {

if (p.offsetWidth > 0) {

w = (p.offsetWidth * parseFloat(w.match(/\d*/)[0]) / 100).toString();






if (h.match(/^\s*\d*\.?\d*\%\s*$/) && !h.match(/^\s*0\%\s*$/) &&

container.offsetHeight <= 20) {

while ((p = container.offsetParent)) {

if (p.offsetHeight > 0) {

h = (p.offsetHeight * parseFloat(h.match(/\d*/)[0]) / 100).toString();







The problem is that offsetHeight and offsetWidth can be 0 at the very beginning which will cause these loop never end.

I've fixed it by modifying code like this:



if (w.match(/^\s*\d*\.?\d*\%\s*$/) && !w.match(/^\s*0\%\s*$/) &&

container.offsetWidth === 0) {

if ((p = container.offsetParent) && p.offsetWidth > 0) {

w = (p.offsetWidth * parseFloat(w.match(/\d*/)[0]) / 100).toString();




if (h.match(/^\s*\d*\.?\d*\%\s*$/) && !h.match(/^\s*0\%\s*$/) &&

container.offsetHeight <= 20) {

if ((p = container.offsetParent) && p.offsetHeight > 0) {

h = (p.offsetHeight * parseFloat(h.match(/\d*/)[0]) / 100).toString();




it would be great if this issue will be fixed in the next versions of Fusion Charts

Edited by excelsystems

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Guest Sumedh



In what FusionCharts version you are facing this issue? please mention the version details.


Also, can you paste your sample code here?

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@version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347 but it also does not work in 3.2.1


Unfortunately I do not have example because it is a part of a huge system, but original code looks dangerous and I happen to hit the case when it fails.

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Guest Sumedh

@version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347 but it also does not work in 3.2.1


Unfortunately I do not have example because it is a part of a huge system, but original code looks dangerous and I happen to hit the case when it fails.




We have released a new version of FusionCharts XT i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.2.2 Service Release 4 on 6th August, 2012.


Being a service release version it has many bug fixes and enhancements.


Could you please try using this version? and let us know if you are still replicating.

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We have released a new version of FusionCharts XT i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.2.2 Service Release 4 on 6th August, 2012.


Being a service release version it has many bug fixes and enhancements.


Could you please try using this version? and let us know if you are still replicating.



Hi Sumedh,


I can confirm that the bug is not fixed.

I use FusionCharts version:


@version fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr1.5347




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