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Export Chart As Image Server Side

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I try to export image file on the server side by following this instruction

I run my project on Grails application base on groovy language using gsp as view. All jar and js file I downloaded from FusionCharts_Evaluation version.


What is my problem is:

When I tested exporting as JPG image, after follow all instruction step, it seem to run fine but when I turn off my internet connection the browser try to redirect to

url I tried to find this url in the source code and found that from the FusionCharts.HC.js file. Hence, I changed this url in this

file to be my url-pattern which was set in the web.xml, localhost:8080/myProject/FCExporter, and retest again. This time what I get is


statusMessage= Insufficient data. Width/height not provided.Background Color not specified. Taking White (FFFFFF) as default background color.






I tried to call my servlet directly from the browser with url localhost:8080/myProject/FCExporter it showed the same result above so I don't sure whether parameters is sent

to my servlet or not but if I changed url back to, it's work fine.


I've tried to find the problem and I found the post but no solution for this.


Please advice

Thanks in advance.





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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please confirm, whether you are trying to export JavaScript Charts image to server?


If yes, please note that during export of the pure JavaScript charts, the chart data is sent to external servers for processing and converting to image. User must have an active internet connection for this feature to work.


In case you want to process the exported data on your own server, you may setup the chart to send the data to your own server.


For more information on "Exporting Pure JavaScript Charts", please follow the link below:


Hope this helps!


Awaiting your valuable response.

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