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Load More Then One Linked On Click

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How can load multiple charts on clicking a chart.

I have a bar chart, below it i have to load 4 pie chart. When i click on a bar i need to load 4 pie charts with respect to the clicked bar chart value.

I tried linked chart, but i guess linked charts allow only one linked chart.

Is there a workaround for this?

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Yes, you are correct about LinkedCharts allowing only one chart to render for each click.


However, you may try using a JavaScript function as link to drill-down on the data-plot. This JavaScript function can be made render multiple charts simultaneously.



This needs to be done at your end, as per your requirement.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks this works :)




Yes, you are correct about LinkedCharts allowing only one chart to render for each click.


However, you may try using a JavaScript function as link to drill-down on the data-plot. This JavaScript function can be made render multiple charts simultaneously.

Ref.- http://docs.fusionch...JavaScript.html


This needs to be done at your end, as per your requirement.


Hope this helps. :)

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