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Scroll Column 2D Chart Div Lines Don't Always Appear

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Hello FC!

My team has come across another issue. In the Scroll Column 2D Chart, the div lines don't always appear. Here is our JSON example and accompanying screenshot.







"chart": {


"xaxisname": "Date",


"yaxisname": "Exit Rate",



"yAxisMaxValue": "50",


"numVisiblePlot": "30",


"numdivlines": "9",


"showlegend": "0",


"showBorder": "0",


"useRoundEdges": "1",


"scrollToEnd": "1",


"showExportDataMenuItem": "1",


"exportEnabled": "1",


"exportShowMenuItem": "0",


"exportatclient": "1",


"exporthandler": "fcExporter1",


"showExportDialog": "1",


"manageLabelOverflow": "1"








"categories": [{


"font": "Arial",


"category": [






"label": "08/28/2012"






"label": "08/29/2012"






"label": "08/30/2012"


} ]




"dataset": [{


"color": "B3B3FF",


"data": [






"value": "56.7", "displayValue": "56.7%", "tooltext": "Total Visit Count: 1,514{br}Exit Visit Count: 859{br}{br}Exit Rate: 56.7%"






"value": "58.3", "displayValue": "58.3%", "tooltext": "Total Visit Count: 1,384{br}Exit Visit Count: 807{br}{br}Exit Rate: 58.3%"






"value": "56.8", "displayValue": "56.8%", "tooltext": "Total Visit Count: 1,307{br}Exit Visit Count: 742{br}{br}Exit Rate: 56.8%"


} ]






Edited by WebDevSarah

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Guest Sumedh



Please note, if you provide yAxisMaxValue and yAxisMinValue attributes explicitely, then you would need to specify adjustDiv attribute as "0".


You need to disable automatic adjustment of divisional lines using adjustDiv='0'. Then you can specify the y-axis upper and lower limits using the yAxisMaxValue and yAxisMinValue attributes respectively. Also, the number of divisional lines can be specified using the numDivLines attribute.


Ref. Code:


"chart": {








Also, find attached screen-shot for your reference.


Hope this helps!


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